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  Teacher: Three hundred, one hundred, five hundred. Add them all...
  Reporter: Maths is one of the several core subjects which all 10- and 11-year-olds are tested on, but when these pupils at Barrowford Primary in Lancashire received their results this week, they also received a letter.
  And this is it. In the letter, the school praises the students for their great exam results, but it goes on to say that the tests can’t assess everything that make these students special; things like playing instruments, looking after siblings after school.
  Student: In school I’m very good at maths, and my favorite topic is probably World War I. And out of school I’m good at football, cricket and 1)rounders.
  Parent: These children come from all different 2)walks of life, and I think that were placing the emphasis that, no matter what your results are, you are still this rounded and grounded person.
  Reporter: For Charlie, who was nervous about his results, the letter really helped.
  Charlie: I felt proud of the school, that it says those things. It doesn’t just mean about your results. It tells you that you’re this kind of person, like you play a musical instrument or you can sing or write poetry or anything.
  Reporter: Rachel Tomlinson is the Headmaster who wrote the letter, and I asked her what she was trying to get across to students.
  Rachel: Basically that we come to primary school, e l e m e n t a r y school, primary s c h o o l , i n Britain for seven years. And…and what we didn’t want was to think that the whole of their s e v e n y e a r s was defined by 3)three num-
  bers on a piece of paper. We want to remind them, really, that no matter how well they’ve done, that there was far more to them and far more to the seven years at their primary school than…than three numbers on a piece of paper, so that’s what prompted the letter really.
  Reporter: So I guess that you got some ideas for this letter from something you’d seen on the web from an American teacher who felt similarly. Is that true?

  Rachel: Yeah. It’s come a bit full circle now, hasn’t it? Yeah, we did. Kimberley Hurd wrote in her blog, and we saw that about last November, and thought, “Wow, that just really fits our philosophy,” ’cause what our philosophy here at our school is about educating the whole child, so while marks in English and those basic skills are very, very important, actually it’s the whole child that is more important, as well the ability to communicate those skills, the ability to apply those skills in…in different settings, the ability to apply those skills with confidence, to be determined, to overcome 4)obstacles, all of those things as well are as important as…as academic success, we believe. And actually we’ve spoken to Kimberley over Twitter today, and…and Kimberley is really delighted with…with the storm it’s created as well.   Reporter: And she is also a teacher at a primary school. Rachel: Yeah.
  Reporter: What are some specific things you mentioned in the letter that…that you want your…your students to remember?

  Rachel: We want them to remember that they are, that actually they are all special, and they, you know, that their 5)intrinsic values are very, very important. And while maths and English is important, because we believe that those skills are very, very important, while they are important, they’re not the only important thing about those children.
  Reporter: Do you think that the standardized tests could be improved to give a better reflection of what your students have learned, or is it the testing period, that bothers you?
  Rachel: I…I think it’s not the testing 6)per se that bothers me. I think it’s that the high-stakes nature of the testing is what bothers me. Actually our children here really enjoyed taking the tests because they were so different from our daily practice, a n d t h e y e n j o y e d showing off. You know, they were really proud to show off what they’d learned. We’re very calm about them, they’re not high-stakes for our children because we don’t make them high-stakes. My daughter’s leaving…leaving school this time, and, you know, we have 50 children, each of those children represent 2% for our school, but my daughter’s my 100%, and I think we have to acknowledge that every child in there is somebody’s 100%, and they deserve to feel valued, and they deserve to feel special.
  Though actually it did take us by surprise a little bit, because we give that message out constantly. We’ve been on national television, and, you know, so it has taken us by surprise. But I can only assume that it’s because it just does appeal to that need in all of us to feel very special.

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