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传统产品设计受到来自飞速发展中的互联网产品的挑战,传统产品设计在方法与思维上需要更多加入并融合互联网的设计思维。如何才能使以往只关注传统行业的产品适应互联网时代的发展,更好的利用互联网与数字化的大时代背景正式本文需要研究的目的。传统产品融入互联网就必须要改变固有思维方式,新的营销手段,新的设计思路将会极大地促进传统产品的生命力。设计作为产品生命力的重要组成部分,将是本课题研究的切入点。设计作为最直观的外在表现,是传统产品与互联网连接的一个重要纽带。设计如何在这个重要纽带中扮演好自己的角色,为产品加分,为传统产品融入互联网贡献力量,也是本文将要研究的目标与内容。同时本文也希望可以从产品的前期研发、制作、造势到上市、公关、运维的一整个周期,对于设计而言在其中扮演的重要角色予以系统的分析与解释,这在以往是很少见的,本文是站在设计的角度,全方面的讲述传统产品与互联网的融合。希望本研究可以为各行业企业家、奋战在一线的设计师、客户带来一个更加全新的视角,以不同的思路去更加深层次的思考传统企业与互联网的交融。使互联网设计可以在促进传统产品生命力的过程中贡献更多的力量。 Traditional product design is challenged by rapidly evolving Internet products that require more design and thinking in terms of methods and ideas to incorporate Internet design thinking. How to make the past only focus on the traditional industries of products to adapt to the development of the Internet age, make better use of the Internet and digital era of the great background of the formal needs of research purposes. Traditional products must be integrated into the Internet to change the inherent way of thinking, new marketing tools, new design ideas will greatly promote the vitality of traditional products. Design as an important part of product vitality, will be the entry point of this research. Design as the most intuitive external manifestation is an important link between traditional products and the Internet. It is also the goal and content of this article that how design can play its role in this important link, adding points to products and contributing to the Internet for traditional products. At the same time, this article also hope that from the pre-product development, production, momentum to the listing, public relations, operation and maintenance of a whole cycle, for the design in which the important role in the systematic analysis and interpretation, which in the past is rare This article is from the design point of view, all about the integration of traditional products and the Internet. It is hoped that this study can bring a new perspective for entrepreneurs in various industries and fought in front-line designers and customers, and take different ideas to think more deeply about the blending of traditional enterprises and the Internet. So that Internet design can contribute more power to the vitality of traditional products.
【摘 要】本文论述远程教育成人学生毕业论文写作指导与管理优化问题,针对远程教育成人学生毕业论文写作中存在的毕业论文内容与成人学生工作内容差距较大、成人学生毕业论文写作能力较差、部分论文指导教师指导不到位、毕业论文写作监管不到位等难题,提出优化措施:建设毕业论文指导管理网络平台,加强对远程教育成人学生毕业论文写作的了解,完善远程教育成人学生毕业论文质量保障体系,强化毕业论文写作的过程管理,构建有效的
<正> 为了使高校后勤服务工作与社会主义市场经济接轨,为了适应高校的合并、合作办学和协作办学的发展,为了逐步实现高校后勤服务社会化,当前各高校后勤正在从经费承包的拨款
【摘 要】本文围绕高职院校学生实践操作能力的培养,分析高职院校动物微生物与免疫实验教学中实训项目开设、实验物品准备、实验中师生方面存在的问题,提出精心安排实验项目、安排学生参与实验准备工作、开放实验室、加强师资队伍建设、创新教学方法、加强无菌操作等对策,进一步提高动物微生物与免疫实验教学的质量,培养适应岗位需要的合格专业人才。  【关键词】高职院校 动物微生物与免疫 实验教学 问题 对策  【中图