Most of the power distribution houses in institutions and schools are unattended. In order to centralize lighting control, they have to use remote control. First, the power cord is led to the telephone room or the broadcast room. The operator or the announcer concurrently controls the lighting. This increases the number of lighting circuits and is unattractive. It also increases the power loss. The second is the use of control cables or power carrier equipment. To achieve long-distance operation. If the control cable is used to achieve long-distance control, the distance can be short. If the distance is long, the voltage drop in the control cable will affect the normal operation of the AC contactor. When the power carrier equipment is used for control, it will increase maintenance difficulties, and the above methods all require manual operation, which adds to the operator’s troubles in lighting the classrooms and dormitories that require power transmission on time. In order to realize the automatic control of lighting in classrooms, dormitories, street lamps and other public places, we modified the circuit of the self-reporting clock of J83-1 (as shown by the dashed line in the figure) to meet the requirements of automatic control. It saves manpower and electricity and has a certain economic value. Working process: See the circuit diagram. For example, when it is necessary to switch on the lighting circuit at 5:20, and the lighting circuit is switched off at 7:30, the connection line with the diodes is connected to the rear terminal block as shown in the figure. J_3 The relay z is terminated on a 30-minute binding post. Then turn on the power,