要职工爱矿如家,我们首先要把企业建设得象家一样温馨。这不仅需要必要的物质投入、系统的思想教育,更需各级领导以身作则,真心实意地关心职工,为他们多办实事。 我们首先从优化美化环境入手,每年投入一百多万元为区队建设标准会议室、阅览室和游艺室,配备桌椅、空调,做到窗明几净、井然有序。整洁的环境使人心情舒畅,精神愉快,并有一种无声的约束力,规范人们的行为。过去一些区队没有会议室,工人在走廊里开会、学习,随地吐痰,扔烟头,学习心不在焉。现在,在优美的环境里,他们讲文明、讲卫生、积极上进。我们还在会议室、阅览室和游艺室里添置了暖瓶、水杯,摆设了
To workers loving mine at home, we must first build the enterprise as homelike. This not only requires the necessary material inputs and systematic ideological education, but also requires leaders at all levels to lead by example and sincerely care about their staff and do more practical work for them. We first start with optimizing and beautifying the environment. We devote more than one million yuan each year to construct standard meeting rooms, reading rooms and entertainment rooms for the district teams. Equipped with tables, chairs and air-conditioners, we are able to create a clean and orderly environment. A neat environment makes people feel happy, happy and have a silent binding and regulate people’s behavior. In the past, some district teams did not have meeting rooms. Workers held meetings in the corridors, studied, spat and threw cigarettes and studied absentmindedly. Now, in a beautiful environment, they speak civilized, hygienic and motivated. We also added warm bottles, cups and decorations in the conference, reading and entertainment rooms