
来源 :青年研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ooo2005net
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去年8月4日,胡耀邦同志向全国人民发出“立下愚公志,开拓大西北”的号召后,我市广大青年立即掀起了一股“青海热”。青年们纷纷向团市委来电来信来访,踊跃报名,表示坚决响应党中央的号召,奔赴青海,开发大西北。从8月4日至24日,我市及邻近几个县便有三千五百多名青年报名,高峰时,团市委一天接待来访者七百多人,来信五十多件。要求赴青海参加建设的青年,人数之多,热情之高,心情之切,在我市近年来是空前的;爱国之情,建国之志,也是非常感人的。“青海热”引起了社会上各界人士广泛的关心和议论。为了正确认识和评价青年们的这种热情和行动,摸清楚他们决心赴青海的思想动机,从而确切地了解当今青年的真实思想,我们对株州青年踊跃报名赴青海的情况进行了一次认真的调查和分析。 Last year, on August 4, Comrade Hu Yaobang issued a call to “make a stupid mission and open up the northwestern part of the country.” The vast majority of the people in our city immediately set off an “Qinghai Heat.” Young people have come to the Communist Youth League call letters and visits, enthusiastically sign up, expressing firm response to the call of the Central Party Committee, went to Qinghai, the development of the Greater Northwest. From August 4 to 24, there were more than 3,500 young people enrolled in the city and its neighboring counties. At the peak, the CYL city received more than 700 visitors and more than 50 letters each day. The number of young people who asked to go to Qinghai to participate in the construction is as high as in any city in our city in recent years. Patriotic feelings and the founding of the People’s Republic are also very touching. “Qinghai hot” caused widespread concern and discussion in the community. In order to correctly understand and appraise such enthusiasm and action of young people and find out their ideological motivation to go to Qinghai so as to have a precise understanding of the true thinking of today’s youth, we conducted a serious study of the situation that young people in Zhuzhou volunteered to go to Qinghai Investigate and analyze.
一、直接证明  综合法和分析法,是直接证明中最基本的两种证明方法,也是解决数学问题时常用的思维方式.  1. 综合法  一般地,利用已知条件和某些数学定义、公理、定理等,经过一系列的推理论证,最后推导出所要证明的结论,这种证明方法叫做综合法.  用[P]表示已知条件、已有的定义、公理、定理等,[Q]表示所要证明的结论,则综合法可表示为:  [[PQ1]→[Q1Q2]→[Q2Q3]→…→[QnQ]]
The implementation of clean production and the development of circular economy are of extreme significance as the state strengthens the efforts to protect the e