The historical inevitability of the tragedy of“Hamlet”The historical inevitability of the tragedy of

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【Abstract】From the perspective of Marx’s tragedy,"the inevitable requirement of history" mainly refers to the reasonable requirements or ideals that embody the objective laws of historical development and represent the future development direction. The protagonist of the tragedy should have historical authenticity and history. Direction,ideality and inevitability of action,the essence of tragedy is "tragic conflict between the inevitable requirement of history and the inability to achieve this requirement."

【Keywords】Marxist view of tragedy,historical inevitability,Hamlet

Hamlet is an image of a humanist with ideals,a high sense of social responsibility,and a spirit of struggle. ①Hamlet was born in the royal family. He studied at Wittenberg University in Germany,the center of humanism communication at the time. He received a comprehensive education in humanism and formed a set of humanistic views on humanity,life,love,and friendship. But the father's death was violent,like a bolt from the blue sky,and gave him a heavy blow;less than two months after the father's death,the mother hurriedly remarried to his uncle's new king Claudius. This corrupt behavior made Hamlet feel humiliated and painful. The root cause of the tragedy should be objective social and historical factors. With the historical inevitability,Hamlet’s revenge for his father is inherently legitimate and historically progressive.② As a representative of the emerging bourgeoisie,overthrowing the old feudal forces is an inevitable requirement of history. But in the process of revenge,the delayed personality traits eventually lead to the tragedy of the death of all the main characters in the play. Hamlet’s delayed character is the direct cause of the tragedy,but there are profound social and historical factors behind the delay. First of all,from the perspective of Hamlet’s character weakness,he is a thinker rather than an activist,who is more than cautious but not decisive;second,from the perspective of social forces at the time,Hamlet,as an emerging bourgeoisie,is still unable to compete with the newly promoted King Claus In the struggle,Klaus could use the entire state apparatus to deal with Hamlet at any time,and Hamlet had to deal with it carefully. But the fundamental reason is that Hamlet was experiencing a serious ideological and spiritual crisis while deciding on revenge,which made him doubt the purpose and significance of revenge,which was related to the weakness of the humanist forces at that time. During the Renaissance,humanism did play a positive role in opposing medieval asceticism,obscurantism,and afterlife,establishing human-oriented values,and liberating individuality,but at the same time,humanism cannot be ignored under specific historical conditions and society. As some commentators have pointed out:"Humanism opposes abstinence,and strives to affirm the value of man,and naturally affirm man’s natural desire. But when the desire for carnal,material and even power is inflated infinitely,people inevitably will Unscrupulous means to realize these desires will inevitably accompany evil. Humanistic values bring evil. The destruction of humanism by humanism is exactly the crisis of humanistic ideals that Shakespeare experienced in the later period of his creation."

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