A Study on Translation of Euphemism about Death—based on Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory

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  【Abstract】: In people’s daily communication, speakers are inclined to resort to euphemism so that they can make the utterance sound less embarrassing or offensive to the listeners. As for death, one of the most negative topic which may make people feel extremely uncomfortable. Hence, the euphemism of death is widely used and has already formed its own pattern of system both in western and oriental society. This study aims to clarify the affection that Nida’s theory puts on the translators, besides, whether there are other elements that need to be considered when translating memorial speech.
  【Key words】: Euphemism ; Death; translate; Memorial Speech
  1. Introduction
  No matter in Chinese or in English, euphemism is an indirect word which is used to beautify our daily communication. As people may understand, there are always some items people don not want to talk directly such as: sex, war, job or aging and death. That is why people use euphemism, at least it can make conversation involving this become less embarrassing. Besides this, euphemism is far more than a language phenomenon. To speak in a higher level, it is a cultural phenomenon, which demonstrates the specific attitude towards something of some certain group of people. Since two different cultures are quite hard for people to get all the meanings it shows as a translator; however, based on the misunderstanding, it is impossible to convey the message in another language. That is why it is significant for us to study the translation of euphemism.
  Death seems to be a taboo topic in almost every culture, thus people are used to resort to euphemism when death appears in the conversation, for not only to show the respect to the dead people but also to comfort the ones who they love. Different culture usually has different euphemisms of death, which represents the special views when it comes to be discussed. Knowing all kinds of reference of death in different culture is necessary for us since only if we understand this clearly can we convey the meaning accordingly and respectfully as a translator or a interpreter.
  2. Literature review
  Euphemism comes from Greek word “euphemo”, its prefix “eu” means good, while the stem “phemism” means “speech”, so the meaning is “good speech”. The definition of euphemism in dictionary is a mild or pleasant word or phrase that is used instead of one that is unpleasant or offensive (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary). In a word, it just means when people come into some embarrassing topics, they prefer to use some words in a more obscure way to make it easier to accept. Take “death ” as an example, people are generally afraid of it and do not want to talk about it directly. So people would rather use expressions like “be gone”, “pay one’s debt to nature” or “kiss the earth” to make it sounds more obscure and acceptable.
【摘要】:河套文化的传播从形成开始主要依赖于传统的传播手段。图书与期刊,作为河套文化传播的主要文本载体,对于河套文化的传承和发展有着重要的现实意义。我们在研究过程中搜集了1952年—2013年的400余部图书和2种期刊(《河套文学》《河套艺术》),对于图书和期刊的内容、作者、出版社、出版时间等方面进行研究和数据统计,以此作为河套文化传播效果研究的基础,为河套文化传播提出新的路径。  【关键词】:河
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【摘要】:全球化给各国带来了深刻的影响,是文化、生活方式、价值观念等精神力量的跨国交流。随着各国对自己精神力量的不断探寻,一方面促进了各国文化水平的提高,另一方面带来了地景文化的演变,每个国家在建立不同场景的时候都会树立一个标杆性力量当作一面精神旗帜。本文以各国标志性地景为例,来探讨在全球化这个大背景下的,各国现代文化地景的塑造。  【关键词】: 全球化;地景演变;文化地景; 精神标杆  1、概述
【摘要】:父母抚育子女,子女孝敬父母,这是最基本的道德。孝有两方面,一是养,二是敬。养是赡养父母,敬是尊重父母。孔子言:“今之孝者,是谓能养,至于犬马,皆有以养,不敬何以别乎?”道德的最高原则是爱祖国、爱人民,而对父母尽孝是最基本的道德。如果一个人不能孝敬父母,他还能爱祖国、爱人民吗?所以孝是最基本的道德。  【关键词】:孝;父母;道德;意义  百善孝为先,孝是中国伦理思想的核心;是中国传统道德最
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【摘要】:汉语“有”字句和英语there be句型都是两种语言中使用频率高且比较特殊的句型。虽然它们句法成份相似,但语序不同;虽都表示存在,但汉语还可表示领属或领有,英语中没有这种用法。弄清楚它们之间的联系和区别,无论是对从事对外汉语的教师还是学习汉语、英语的学生来说,都是大有助益的。  【关键词】:“有”字句;there be句型;句法结构;语义关系  引言  “有”字句是现代汉语中的一种常见的
【摘要】:庄子与叔本华都主张在认知过程中主客体合一,认为认知的直接结果,即知识,必须通过主体的参与才能完整的展示,反对剥离了主体的纯形式化知识是认知的唯一结果。二人强调非明言知识的存在,认为知识可以有多种展示方式,但二者仅仅是不自觉地在不同维度上论述了认识的默会维度。  【关键词】:庄子;叔本华;默会;具身性;分离性  《庄子》在体道中重视直观认识,指出语言、书籍对道的体认结果表述具有不完整性。主