Inverse Leaf Aging Sequence (ILAS) and Its Significance of Wheat

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingming_369
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The implication of the revelation of the inverse leaf aging sequence(ILAS) of wheat needs to be probed in theory and practice.Since 2005,the comparison experiment of the ILAS and the conventional leaf aging sequence(CLAS) has been carried out to measure the canopy temperature and some important biological parameters of wheat.In nature,there existed the phenomenon that the wheat leaves aged in an sequence opposite to the conventional sequence and some of the leaves of ILAS wheat aged sequentially differed from those of CLAS wheat,i.e.,the penultimate leaves rather than the flag leaves aged last among the leaves at different leaf positions;in correspondence with the inverse leaf aging sequence,there appeared an unconventional leaf color structure at the late fruiting stage,which had yellow upper leaves and green lower leaves,opposite to the conventional leaf color structure that had green upper leaves and yellow lower leaves;the chlorophyll concentrations,soluble protein concentrations,transpiration rates,and net photosynthetic rates of the penultimate leaves of ILAS wheat unconventionally surpassed those of their flag leaves as their growth moved forward from one stage to another stage,and the ILAS wheat characteristically presented cold canopy temperature,i.e.,a cold tail canopy temperature at the late fruiting stage,or a cold canopy temperature at the whole fruiting stage;because ILAS wheat was unique in physiological process,its kernel weights were obviously higher than those of CLAS wheat,which closely related to the “relay” kernel-filling mode,which was different from the kernel-filling mode of CLAS wheat under which the flag leaves act as the main nutrient supply source at the whole fruiting stage.This study provided a new idea and approach for the theoretical exploration on wheat fruiting and aging,wheat yield further improvement,and cold type wheat and cold tail wheat breeding. The implication of the revelation of the inverse leaf aging sequence (ILAS) of wheat needs to be probed in theory and practice .ince 2005, the comparison experiment of the ILAS and the conventional leaf aging sequence (CLAS) has been carried out to measure the canopy temperature and some important biological parameters of wheat. nature, there existed the phenomenon that the wheat leaves aged in an sequence opposite to the conventional sequence and some of the leaves of ILAS wheat aged sequentially differed from of of CLAS wheat, ie, the penultimate leaves rather than the flag leaves aged last among the leaves at different leaf positions; in correspondence with the inverse leaf aging sequence, there was an unconventional leaf color structure at the late fruiting stage, which had yellow upper leaves and green lower leaves, opposite to the conventional leaf color structure that had green upper leaves and yellow lower leaves; the chlorophyll concentrations, soluble protein concentrations, t ranspiration rates, and net photosynthetic rates of the penultimate leaves of ILAS wheat unconventionally surpassed those of their flag leaves as their growth moved forward from one stage to another stage, and the ILAS wheat characteristically presented cold canopy temperature, ie, a cold tail canopy temperature at the late fruiting stage, or a cold canopy temperature at the whole fruiting stage; or ILS wheat was unique in physiological process, its kernel weights were obviously higher than those of CLAS wheat, which closely related to the “relay” kernel- filling mode, which was different from the kernel-filling mode of CLAS wheat under which the flag leaves act as the main nutrient supply source at the whole fruiting stage. this study provided a new idea and approach for the theoretical exploration on wheat fruiting and aging , wheat yield further improvement, and cold type wheat and cold tail wheat breeding.
时间:北宋宋徽宗年间  地点:梁山泊  运动会的宗旨:为了丰富梁山泊人的精神生活,众头领经过商议后决定在梁山泊举办一次运动会,评选出“十佳”运动员。  动态:消息传开后,整个梁山泊沸腾了,不一会儿,报名者竟达一百零八人。  主持人公孙胜宣布:“水浒运动会正式开始!”  阮小二一马当先,旗开得胜,先拔游泳比赛的头筹。武松技压群雄,夺下散打冠军。小霸王周通打遍梁山无敌手,轻松获得铁人三项奖杯……  比
真理总是在不断发展的 ,随着实践的推进 ,党的十五大精神已经获得了新的发展。从经济的角度考察 ,这突出地体现在 1 999年 9月党的十五届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于国有企