榜样教育是一种以他人的英雄事迹和模范行为影响学生的方法。良好的榜样能把抽象的政治道德概念和完美的行为具体化,引起学生内心的体验,使他们在意识中产生情感所指向的鲜明形象,具有很大的说服力和感染力。中小学生正处在生理、心理迅速发展的时期,求知欲强,对新事物敏感,求上进,好模仿,崇拜英雄。所以,运用榜样对学生进行思想品德教育是极为有效的好方法。榜样对学生的道德行为具有调节作用。 (一) 启动。榜样可以其崇高的品德与完美形
Model education is a way to influence students with the heroic deeds and exemplary behaviors of others. A good example can concretize the abstract political moral concepts and perfect behaviors, arouse the students’ inner experience, and give them a vivid image of the emotions in their consciousness, which has great persuasion and appeal. Primary and secondary school students are in a period of rapid development of physiology and psychology. They have a strong desire for knowledge, are sensitive to new things, and are motivated to imitate and worship heroes. Therefore, the use of role models to ideological and moral education for students is an extremely effective and effective method. Models have a moderating effect on students’ ethical behavior. (a) Start. The example can be its noble character and perfect shape