
来源 :自动化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tyftongyunfeng
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This paper investigates the output consensus problem of port-controlled Hamiltonian(PCH) multi-agent systems with both fixed and switching topologies. Firstly, a distributed group output consensus protocol is designed via the energy shaping method to reach globally stability and group output consensus. Secondly, a new distributed control protocol is proposed by using the structural properties of the PCH systems. The advantage of this protocol is that it can transform the directed graph to the undirected graph by constructing a kind of virtual neighbors. Thirdly, a control protocol is designed with the extended LaSalle s invariance principle developed for switched systems under the jointly connected topology condition to make all the agents reach output consensus when the topology is switching. Finally, some illustrative examples with simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the protocols designed in this paper. This paper investigates the output consensus problem of port-controlled Hamiltonian (PCH) multi-agent systems with both fixed and switching topologies. Firstly, a distributed group output consensus protocol is designed via the energy shaping method to reach globally stability and group output consensus. Secondly, a new distributed control protocol is proposed by using the structural properties of the PCH systems. The advantage of this protocol is that it can transform the directed graph to the undirected graph by constructing a kind of virtual neighbors. Thirdly, a control protocol is designed with the extended LaSalle s invariance principle developed for switched systems under the connected topology condition to make all the agents reach output consensus when the topology is switching. Finally, some illustrative examples with simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the protocol designed in this paper.
几年前,我在北京东北三环陪一个朋友看房子。其中有一个小区比周边小区贵了40%,却也看不出它比其他小区先进在何处。我问中介的人,这家为什么这么贵。  他们是××小学的学区房啊!  “那我回家把孩子掐死算是一种特别有效的理财方式了。”我和那个朋友说。  当然这是句玩笑。但的确是这样,生小孩在现在的社会中似乎是一种净消耗的决策。而且随着社会保障的完善,人们似乎越来越不需要下一代来供养自己的退休生活了。那
一元一次方程是学习其它方程、方程组以及不等式、不等式组的基础,因此,我们一定要掌握一元一次方程的解法和步骤,为今后的学习打下良好的基础. 下面介绍几种解一元一次方程的技巧,供同学们参考.   一、巧拆项