在人类历史上,化学武器和生物武器在战争中的使用、由来已久。今年1月初出版的美国《基督教科学箴言报》列举了自公元前4世纪至1988年2000多年间在战争中使用化学和生物武器的情况。 1、公元前4世纪:斯巴达人在伯罗奔尼撒战争中用沥青和硫磺的混合物挫败了用烟熏法进攻的敌人。 2、公元1710年:俄国军队在围攻瑞典雷瓦尔城时,向该城扔抛因瘟疫而死的尸体。 3、1763年:一名英军指挥官伪装友好以安抚美国印第安人的两个酋长,他在俄亥俄州皮特堡把天花患者用过的两条毛毯和一条围巾作为礼物送给他们。结果在印第安人中间引起了天花的流行。 4、第一世界大战期间:1915年4月德国军队最
In human history, the use of chemical and biological weapons in the war has been a long time. The Christian Science Monitor published in early January of this year listed the use of chemical and biological weapons during the war from the fourth century BC to the year 2000 for more than 2,000 years. 1st Century BC: Spartans foiled smoldering offensive enemies with a mixture of pitch and sulfur during the Peloponnesian War. In 2, AD 1710: Russian troops in the siege of the city of Reval, Sweden, throwing the body of the plague killed. 3. 1763: A British commander camouflaged friendly to pacify the two chiefs of the American Indian who gave them two blankets and a scarf used by smallpox patients in Pittsburgh, Ohio. As a result, it has caused the smallpox epidemic among Indians. 4, during the First World War: April 1915 the most German troops