
来源 :广东教育(综合版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feng_lingpeng
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当前,我们正在享受技术带来的好处。事实证明,技术比制度更能改变我们的生活。尤其是教师,在教育制度努力向更为科学更为人性的方向努力转变时,教师并没有获得根本的解放,而是变得愈发焦虑与迷茫。因为制度产生效益要历经一个缓慢而艰苦的过程。而新技术,比如博客,一旦走进教师生活,就立即将教师带入崭新的精神生活。博客的可贵,主要在于它清晰呈现了每个人的智慧。教师有完成教学工作的智慧,有遵守学校管理秩序的智慧,有执行专业成长计划的智慧。但这些智慧,是不带个性特征的智慧,是服从性质的智慧。而博客让每一位教师的形象都具体起来,就是因为它呈现了教师在主动状态下的智慧。教师在博客中发表自己的教学感受、教育思想,积极评议博友的观点,这都是自由而真实的不受约束的智慧抒发。当教师不再是符号化的一个人,而是以其睿智、经验、知觉来感染同行,那么他的精神已经变得稳妥,他的形象已经生动,他的热情已经焕发。博客从根本上改变了教师的生活。 Currently, we are enjoying the benefits of technology. Facts have proved that technology can change our life more than the system. Teachers, in particular, have not been able to achieve fundamental emancipation but have become increasingly anxious and confused as the education system strives to make a more scientific and humane direction. Because the system benefits to go through a slow and painstaking process. And new technologies, such as blogs, immediately move teachers into a new spiritual life as soon as they enter the teacher’s life. Blog is valuable, mainly because it clearly shows everyone’s wisdom. Teachers have the wisdom to complete the teaching work, have the wisdom of complying with the school management order, and have the wisdom of carrying out the professional growth plan. But these wisdoms are the wisdoms without personality traits and the wisdoms of nature. Blogging makes every teacher’s image concrete because it presents the teacher’s wisdom in the active state. Teachers in the blog post their own teaching experience, education, positive comments Bo Friends of the point of view, these are free and true unconstrained wisdom to express. When the teacher ceases to be a symbolized person, but infect his peers with his wisdom, experience, and perception, his spirit has become sound, his image has been vivid and his passion has been renewed. Blog fundamentally changed the teacher’s life.