Currently, we are enjoying the benefits of technology. Facts have proved that technology can change our life more than the system. Teachers, in particular, have not been able to achieve fundamental emancipation but have become increasingly anxious and confused as the education system strives to make a more scientific and humane direction. Because the system benefits to go through a slow and painstaking process. And new technologies, such as blogs, immediately move teachers into a new spiritual life as soon as they enter the teacher’s life. Blog is valuable, mainly because it clearly shows everyone’s wisdom. Teachers have the wisdom to complete the teaching work, have the wisdom of complying with the school management order, and have the wisdom of carrying out the professional growth plan. But these wisdoms are the wisdoms without personality traits and the wisdoms of nature. Blogging makes every teacher’s image concrete because it presents the teacher’s wisdom in the active state. Teachers in the blog post their own teaching experience, education, positive comments Bo Friends of the point of view, these are free and true unconstrained wisdom to express. When the teacher ceases to be a symbolized person, but infect his peers with his wisdom, experience, and perception, his spirit has become sound, his image has been vivid and his passion has been renewed. Blog fundamentally changed the teacher’s life.