Botox topical injection has become the treatment of choice for various dystonias. We use BotoxA treatment of dystonia disease in 262 cases, the effective rate of 99.23%. The group of 89 males and 173 females. Aged 10 to 71 years, mean 51.2 years; duration of February to 38 years, an average of 3.6 years; 2 to 36 months of follow-up, an average of 21.6 months. BotoxA were diluted to 25U / ml, 27.5U / ml and 30.5U / ml three concentrations, were randomly assigned to patients, to observe the relationship between efficacy and concentration. Check EMG before and after injection to explore the best distance between two points. The results showed that the best concentration of small muscle and large muscle was 27.5U / ml and 30.5U / ml respectively; the best distance was 1.5cm and 2cm ~ 3cm respectively.