2001年12月上旬,福建安海湾南岸滩涂养殖的贝类发生大面积死亡。12月10日,受水头镇人民政府的委托,福建省渔业环境监测站组织技术人员前往安海湾贝类养殖现场进行调查。本次调查采集了泥蚶(Tegillarca granosa)、缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta(Lamarck))两种养殖贝类样品及养殖
In early December 2001, a large area of shellfish breed in the south bank of Anhai Bay of Fujian Province died. On December 10, commissioned by the People’s Government of Shuitou Town, technical personnel from Fujian Provincial Fishery Environmental Monitoring Station went to investigate the shellfish breeding site in Anhai Bay. The survey collected samples of two cultured shellfish species, Tegillarca granosa and Sinonovacula constricta (Lamarck), and culture