一、日本直接对华侵略的一个产物 日本发动全面侵华战争不到一年,即1938年4月30日,日本政府以81号法令颁布了《华中振兴株式会社组织法》;11月7日,华中振兴公司(日语为株式会社)在上海正式成立。该公司与其他外国在华投资企业在性质上截然不同,是日本帝国主义在武力侵占中国大片领土,强占我国大量的工厂、矿山、铁路、轮船、电台等的基础上,利用抢夺来的中国财产在中国领土上开设的一家“国策会社”。所谓国策会社,就是日本帝国为实现其对华军事、经济侵略一体化而专设的一种经济机构。
I. Japan’s Direct Aggression against China One of the Products Japan launched its full-scale invasion of China in less than a year, that is, on April 30, 1938, the Japanese government promulgated the “Organization Law of Central China Rejuvenation Corporation” on Decree No. 81; and November 7 , Central China Rejuvenation Corporation (Japanese Co., Ltd.) was formally established in Shanghai. The company is quite different in nature from other foreign-invested enterprises in China because Japanese imperialism used the snatched Chinese property on the basis of its occupation of a large part of China’s territory by force and its massive occupation of factories, mines, railways, ships and radio stations in the country. A “national policy club” opened in China’s territory. The so-called national policy clubs, is the Japanese Empire to realize its integration of China’s military and economic aggression and the establishment of an economic body.