Chlamydia pneumoniae replicates in Kupffer cells in mouse model of liver infection

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinpasi
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AIM: To develop an animal model of liver infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae (C. pneumoniae) in intraperito-neally infected mice for studying the presence of chlamy-diae in Kupffer cells and hepatocytes.METHODS: A total of 80 BALB/c mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with C. pneumoniae and sacrificed at various time points after infection. Chlamydiae were looked for in liver homogenates as well as in Kupffer cells and hepatocytes separated by liver perfusion with collagenase. C. pneumoniae was detected by both isola-tion in LLC-MK2 cells and fluorescence in situ hybridiza-tion (FISH). The releasing of TNFA-α by C. pneumoniae in vitro stimulated Kupffer cells was studied by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.RESULTS: C. pneumoniae isolation from liver homoge-nates reached a plateau on d 7 after infection when 6 of 10 animals were positive, then decreased, and became negative by d 20. C. pneumoniae isolation from sepa-rated Kupffer cells reached a plateau on d 7 when 5 of 10 animals were positive, and became negative by d 20. The detection of C. pneumoniae in separated Kupffer cells by FISH, confirmed the results obtained by culture. Isolated hepatocytes were always negative. Stimula-tion of Kupffer cells by alive C. pneumoniae elicited high TNF-α levels. CONCLUSION: A productive infection by C. pneumo-niae may take place in Kupffer cells and C. pneumoniae induces a local pro-inflammatory activity. C. pneumoniae is therefore, able to act as antigenic stimulus when local-ized in the liver. One could speculate that C. pneumoniaeinfection, involving cells of the innate immunity such as Kupffer cells, could also trigger pathological immune re-actions involving the liver, as observed in human patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. AIM: To develop an animal model of liver infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae (C. pneumoniae) in intraperito-neally infected mice for studying the presence of chlamy-diae in Kupffer cells and hepatocytes. METHODS: A total of 80 BALB / c mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with C. pneumoniae and sacrificed at various time points after infection. Chlamydiae were looked for in liver homogenates as well as in Kupffer cells and hepatocytes separated by liver perfusion with collagenase. C. pneumoniae was detected by both iso- tion in LLC-MK2 The releasing of TNFA-α by C. pneumoniae in vitro stimulated Kupffer cells was studied by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: C. pneumoniae isolation from liver homoge- nates reached a plateau on d 7 after infection when 6 of 10 animals were positive, then decreased, and became negative by d 20. C. pneumoniae isolation from sepa-rated Kupffer cells reached a plateau on d 7 when 5 of 10 animals were positive, and became negative by d 20. The detection of C. pneumoniae in separated Kupffer cells by FISH, confirmed the results obtained by culture. Isolated hepatocytes were always negative. Stimula-tion of Kupffer cells by alive C. pneumoniae elicited high TNF -α levels. CONCLUSION: A productive infection by C. pneumo-niae may take place in Kupffer cells and C. pneumoniae induces a local pro-inflammatory activity. C. pneumoniae is therefore, able to act as antigenic stimulus when local-ized in the could one trigger the pathogenic immune re-actions involving the liver, as observed in human patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.
若某一理想种群有三种基因型:AA、Aa和aa,A的基因频率为p,a的基因频率为q,则按照哈代-温伯格定律,该种群的各基因频率和各基因型频率会存在如下等式关系并且保持不变:  A+a=p+q=1,AA+Aa+aa=p2+2pq+q2=l(其中AA=p2,Aa=2pq,aa=q2)。  此等式关系成立的依据何在?我们可以从亲本所产生的配子的比例和随机结合方式推算出子代的基因型及其频率,再由子代的基因型