Top Three Tips On Improving Spoken English For Beginners

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  The purpose of learning language is communication and the one who wants to communicate with others has to speak. Speaking skill is one of the most important part of learning English. How to improve this skill ? I will give you top three tips on improving spoken English for beginners in this article.
  After mastering English International Phonetic Alphabet, the spelling of the English words and the basic oral “everyday” English, the English learning beginners consider the most difficult thing for them is to speak out in daily life. We know that the most effective ways to practice our oral English are to study abroad and immigration, but it is impossible for most of the students in China, so an authentic environment is crucial to improve our spoken English.
  One of the best and convenient ways is use computer and internet to set up a virtual world around us. We can practice our listening, and speaking the same way as the real world oversea and the result is almost equal to living abroad for several years.
  Computer is a very useful tool and Internet is a huge resource for us to learn English and obtain all kinds of materials and software to help us in improving our English level. If we can fully use computer, which means that we have invited a great teacher in the world into our home to help us to learn English via Internet.
  Try to master the basic operation of browsing English websites, the ability of installing English learning software and the ability of using a microphone which we can use WECHAT to talk in English with the foreigners. Make good use of some APPs to talk in English.
  Computer technology has developed very fast in recent years and the refresh rate of English software is very fast. Those people who cannot make the best of computer will be considered as illiterates eventually. Only after you make full use of the internet can it brings the treasure and knowledge to you.
  At the beginning stage of the oral practicing, imitation is one of the main ways to learn spoken English, because this can enable you to speak correctly in pronunciation, intonation, and grammar, etc.
  The one who can listen who can speak. Therefore before you speak you need to listen more, just like the baby learn how to say words. Only get enough inputs can you take outputs.
  There is one effective way to improve listening skill. Listen to the record of the news repeatedly and then write down all the contents on a piece of paper. It is a very good way to practice listening comprehension and it can help you to set up a solid foundation in passing the exams, but it will waste a lot of time. You have to spend one or two hours to write down one minute’s news on a piece of paper. If you are a beginner of listening, just try it systematically.   Another effective way is to listen to the English online broadcast everyday. Before listening to the broadcast, please try to spend some time on getting to know the latest international situation. Because after you have read the main news, you have no difficulty in understating the headline news, so it is much easier to get the meaning.
  You should not expect to speak perfect English at first. Please don’t be afraid of the errors but accept them. What you need to do is just say it at any occasions.
  As the teacher, we should not interrupt the students when they are speaking freely. If we often correct their errors while they are speaking, they will be nervous in speaking and dare not to say anything again. But this does not means that teachers can ignore the repeated errors, we should advocate “delayed correction”. They should listen and jot down the errors and verify them after the students have finished their conversation. Both accuracy and fluency should not be neglected in spoken English practice.
  Therefore, at different practicing times and stages you should focus on different tasks respectively. For the Beginners, one principle you should bear in mind is just do it, say it loudly.
  At last, do remember, when you are in state of exhaustion, never force yourself to learn. Get well sleep, then you turn to learn, you will surprise. the result will be much better when you have high spirit. Otherwise, you will just waste your time.
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