
来源 :课程教育研究·学法教法研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdofu0q84313480
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  Abstract:With the rapid development of China and its frequent exchanges with the outside world, the importance of oral English has become more and more prominent. However, most high school students keep silent in English classes.It will not only lead to the emotional frustration of the teachers, but also impede the development of students’ comprehensive abilities in English. So it is necessary to analyze the major reasons and find out some effective solutions.
  Key words:high school English classroom; students’ silence; reasons
  【中圖分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A
  一、The current situation of high school students’ silence
  English teaching process is a communicative process, in which both teachers and students should involve themselves in classroom activities. However, most of Chinese college students are in the habit of keeping silent in English classroom. Their silencediscourages the teachers and hampers the effective communication between the teachers and the students. Therefore, based on the findings of previous researches,this thesis aims to analyze the major reasons and obtain some solutions to this phenomenon.
  二、Main causes triggering high school students’ silence
  Many previous studies figure out that the main causes on high school students’ silence centralize on students’ affective factors, students’ language proficiency factor and teachers’ teaching mode factor.
  1.Students’ affective factors.
  Students’ affective factors play an important role in successful language learning. If they have a strong desire to practice their oral English, they will be more active. However, in exam-oriented education, students will spend more time on written English in order to achieve higher scores in exams. Therefore, it is not surprising that students keep silent in English classroom.
  2.Students’ English proficiency.
  Students’ lack of language proficiency, especially oral English proficiency, impedes them from expressing themselves clearly. It is one of the major reasons why students keep silent. Most students could obtain high scores in various proficiency tests, but their language proficiency was far from what was required for their intended academic studies.
  3.Teachers’ teaching mode.
  Teaching modes in China are mainly exam-oriented and teacher-centered. As we know, the knowledge acquisition process is a process of the interaction between the teacher and the students. It is no doubt the teacher-centered mode of teaching is doomed to cause students’ classroom silence.   三、Pedagogical implications of the present study
  Firstly, it is important to change teachers’ role in English teaching. Teachers should play the role of a guider, a facilitator and an organizer rather than a lecturer. Teachers should leave more time to students since students are the people who need to apply what they have learned to practical communication.
  Secondly, it is urgent to improve students’English proficiency.High proficiency students are willing to communicate whereas low proficiency students often show higher anxiety in communication. So high proficiency students could share their learning experience with their low proficiency classmates.
  Thirdly, students should strengthen their integrative motivation. Teachers should tell students the importance of oral English and adopt corresponding strategies to help students reduce anxiety.
  [1]Bosacki,S.L.The Culture of Classroom Silence[M].Peter Lang,2005.
  [2]Gimenez,M.Silence in the Classroom:Some Thoughts about Teaching in the 1980s[J].Teaching Sociology,1989,17(2):184-191.
  [3]Jaworski,A& Sachdev,I.Briefs about Silence in the Classroom [J].Language and Education,1998,12(4):273-292.
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