When language,social and cultural difference face economic development

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  Abstract:Study and research in language,society and cultural difference field is very interesting and meaningful.Knowing the diversity of different culture we could get to know people from different cultural background easier and better and we could contribute a better understanding and relationship between each other.Educators could make the process of teaching and facilitating much more efficient when the target learners are coming from different cultural or language background.
  Key words:English,education,cultural diversity,globalization,bilingual
  Some common educational and multi-cultural phenomenon of higher education in Asian countries will be introduced firstly and then a conclusion which contains perspective thinking of these issues and the connection between education,multi-culture and bilingual or trilingual will be discussed.The issue has become quite common in education field of Asian countries during recent years especially accompanying with the development of the economic globalization.As the world economy grows gradually,almost all areas of the society have been under a pressure of getting into international and integration.A huge amount of people who have their own majors plus with speaking a global language are becoming extremely popular in international companies,foreign affair offices,import and export trading companies and all other places which communicators between different languages are needed.Therefore,educational revolution and improvement has been developed by government and educators together to meet the needs of economic globalization.In such situation English has become a so-called global language following the rational line of globalization.Various issues related to English language and education has become hot topics in both language and education fields.
  English is now the global language of the world.No matter what kind of English is,British English,American English,Singapore English or even African English,the fact is that people all over the world are speaking English or they are learning to use the language.Otherwise,they would be left far away from where the modern society is.In China,thousands of English training schools have spread out like bamboo shoots after spring rain.Then why language learning has become so important,popular and so essential? According to Stromquist and Monkman,globalization is a phenomenon that contains multiple and drastic movement in all fields of society,especially economics and culture.Globalization can be recognized with three aspects,economic,political and cultural.In spite of the ability to maintain further impact to the entire world in one way or in other ways,globalization could also make power in influencing smaller elements of the world,such as labor force market,technologies,communication,terms of culture and political co-operation.Cultural and economic impact by globalization is the reason why language,a small element of culture,can be listed as an issue onto table.
  The impact of globalization in China
  During the last twenty years and under the reforming and opening-up policy of Chinese government,the whole nation and every field of the society has experienced a long term of national reforming and revolution.According to general secretary of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party Jiang Zemin ,China has already built socialism with Chinese characteristics through reform and the opening to the outside world and the nation begins a new revolution aiming to change the economic structure and to build new style of social life.As the opening enlarged,communications with foreign countries,organizations and various kinds of groups have increased.As a matter of fact,people with ability of transferring information between two culture backgrounds are greatly needed and become really popular in such foreign communication.Then reforms have been taken place in education system in China.A newspaper article shows that during late 1970s and early 1980s in China Philosophy is the most popular major in universities and new majors related to trading,economics,banking and finance etc.have become extremely popular since the development of the Reforming and Opening Policies.Therefore,education and training system must be put onto a place of service and supplement for economic developing.
  The impact of globalization in education field
  The same situation occurs in other Asian countries,too.Take Japan as an example,according to Wei and Li,rate of entering higher education has increased greatly since 1980s during which Japanese economy has rapid development.Education again was pushed onto a position of serving the economic development.Policies of Japanese higher education have changes every recent decade.In 1970s,government and education ministry have constituted direction of the future 10 year’s developing.They were aiming to increase extent of enrollment highly.During the next 10 years,people have realized that the high lighting of entrance rate was not scientific and reasonable and quality of education should be emphasized instead of quantity.Therefore,Japanese higher education has faced another reform of raising the quality of education through international communication and co-operation in 1980s with huge economic funds.In 1990s,both quality and quantity have been developed into a relatively high level so that Japanese educators started new reforms of education.They have proposed to increase the freedom of undergraduate and postgraduate education which means colleges and universities have full rights to compile teaching materials and to organize teaching plans,further more,more and more interchanges of students can be made true through the shared credit system.
  It is not difficult to see that economy and education has close relationship and they influence each other in terms of many small aspects.In China and most other Asian countries,English education is often seen as a disputed issue.For most of these countries is taking English as foreign language not first language or second language.But some countries such as Singapore and India and some area like Hong Kong are special for they take English as their official language plus with their mother language.In this case English education is different in these countries and area from in others.Considering the spread usage in these countries,much more practicing opportunities are offered and they are just in such language circumstance which encourages whole nation of speaking the foreign language.
  English becomes a fashion cultural icon in non-English speaking countries
  While in Japan,South Korea,China and some south East Asian countries just like Thailand and Cambodia,etc.English is a foreign language to them and as for the urgent need of globalization especially for the need of economic integration they have gain ground English.No matter what methods they use,various English speaking or writing competitions,entrance exams,TV programs and so on,the aim of making English popular would not be fluctuate.Take China for example,English education has been a mainstream of foreign language introduction since 1990s and before this period Russian and Japanese were the main foreign teaching and learning target languages.We could see the economic impact on language education more or less from this fact.From 1992 China has entered a high speedy developing period of economy and so that education has to be designed according to the economic needs.At that time,the USA has been playing a main role on the world economic and political stage and its culture has greatly impacted culture of other nations.KFC,Mc Donald’s’,Bill Clinton,Hollywood,New York fashion show,Nike,NBA,Rock & Blues,Michael Jackson and Madonna and many other nouns like these have crashed into Chinese people’s eyes as well as other nations through out the world.Culture invasion was just superficies of economic pervasion but it can be taken as a good example of economic impact.
  American culture has become popular and has been well accepted by China the ancient country almost in every field of social life:Movies,foods,fashion,music,pop stars and clothing and of course language.Then English has become more and more important in language teaching and learning.People especially youth and those who indeed have to learn English for working or other essential reasons are getting start to join in the battle of this language learning.
  People can be an idle if he can speak good English
  One people called Li Yang has promoted his way of learning English successfully for several years in China and finally he has become very well known for his three-most method of learning English.The first most is the most quickly,the second is the most loudly and the third is the most fluently.Further more,he suggests that people should be braver to speak out and not be afraid of losing face otherwise they would never learn a foreign language well.His method of learning made him well-known by a huge amount of English learners.He has always been invited to English learning and teaching conferences and TV shows and in 2002 Japan and South Korea World Cup Li Yang has been retained as English Learning Ambassador in South Korea.His hard working was admitted not only by his country fellows but also by the fellow English learners of other non-English speaking countries.From these examples,we could see that Asian learners of English are learning the language with extremely high passion.
  English education has become so important all around the world.The point is that globalization has huge impact on every aspect of social life through economy,politics and culture.I stressed on economic and cultural impact of world globalization and later focused on testing system of English education.At the end of the paper I have explored three personal opinions according to my own learning experience and previous knowledge and goes like suggestions for policy makers and educators.
  The future of English education in China would still be bright because as the global and Chinese national economy develops the needs for bilingual speakers and users would be increased as well.Not only English,as the development of China’s reform and opening policy many other foreign languages such as Japanese,Russian,Korean,French,German and so on have also become more and more important.Testing system are still facing chances and challenges as a very important aspect in language education.No matter what kind of test it is,the general principle should be according to practical use of a language but not literature learning.
Book review  JIANG YAJUN,World Englishes:A Metadisciplinary Perspective.Beijing:China Social Sciences Prfess,2008.349 pp.ISBN-10:7500475799,ISBN-13:9787500475798,paper cover.  This book adopts the con
本文针对学生英语学习需求,分析高职学生英语学习动机。同时,在遵循高职英语“实用为主、够用为度”的教学原则下,本文阐述了优化英语教学模式的做法,以达到最大程度地激发和维持学生的英语学习动机,有效提高学生的英语学习效果。    一、英语学习动机的概念    学习动机是推动学生进行学习活动的内在原因,是激励、指引学生学习的强大动力。又称“学习的动力”。英语学习动机是指学习者学习英语的动力因素,是学习者激
摘要:本文通过分析初中英语语法教学中存在的一些问题,明确语法教学的重要性,结合笔者的教学实践,讨论如何帮助学生通过活动体验和实践操练,发现和归纳语法现象及规律,逐步习得语法,提高学生能力,从而优化初中英语语法教学。  关键词:教学问题 语法教学 教学策略    英语作为一门语言,能够成为一种交际工具是因为它的系统性,而语言的系统性反映在它极强的规律性。初中英语教学可以帮助学生掌握比较系统和完整的英
引言    情景教学是一种综合性的多层次教学模式,英语教师给学生提供情景,学生在情景中感受、体会、运用语言,进行自然的交流。情景教学能够充分调动学生的兴趣和积极性,贴近学生实际生活,能够激发学生思维,促进学生在理解语言的基础上进行运用。情景教学给英语教师带来了很大的帮助,但是也存在着一些不足有待改善。    一、初中英语情景教学目标优化    情景教学的目标具有一定的方向性,包括知识目标、能力目标
摘要:本文从生活化的角度对初中英语作文教学进行一些探讨,以期为英语教学做出一点贡献。  关键词:生活化 初中 英语 作文    一、生活化在初中英语作文教学中的重要性    初中英语作文教学的生活化是从生活的实际出发,将初中英语作文教学置于真实的生活背景之中,创设丰富多彩的教学情境,活跃教学氛围,从而激发学生的学习兴趣及求知欲,提高英语写作水平。  作为英语作文的灵魂,生活化在初中英语教学中起着至
发展自主学习和合作学习的能力,形成有效的英语学习策略,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,是小学英语课程的一个总目标。学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的先决条件。因此学生皮形成适合自己学习需要的学习策略,并能不断地调整自己的学习策略。良好的预习策略是有效听课的前提,培养孩子正确的预习习惯,形成有效的学习策略,对孩子的终身学习将产生深远的影响。如何正确地引导孩子形成良好的英语预习习惯呢?    一、
摘要:《英语课程标准》把学习策略定义为:“学生为了有效地学习和发展而采取的各种行动和步骤。”这正是英语课程改革中教师必须注重的方面,也只有充分挖掘学生的潜能和尊重学生个性的发展,引导和帮助学生建立和调整适合自己的学习策略。才能实现“教是为了不教”的理想课程。  关键词:英语教学 新课程改革 学习策略    《英语课程标准》表明义务教育阶段外语课程的基本功能是使学生掌握较扎实的语言基本知识和基本技能
摘要:在小学阶段,如何提高学生的写作能力,是摆在我们面前的一道难题,我们必须采取多种教学手段,让学生们切实地提高英语写作能力。  近些年来,随着新教材的使用和小学升初中考试制度的改革,英语已经成为了小升初的考试科目之一,而且写作也在试题中占有相当比例,因此,如何提高学生们的写作能力也就成了老师们当下要解决的重要问题了。但由于过去一段时间我们忽视了写作能力的培养,致使学生四会能力得不到协调发展。我们
摘要:《小学英语课程标》明确指出:要培养学生听、说、读、写及综合运用英语的能力。其中的“说”就是指英语口语交际。但从笔者多年的教学情况来看,目前小学生的口语交际能力还很欠佳,本文从产生这一情况的原因出发,就融洽师生关系、营造学习氛围和创设教学情境三方面阐述了自己在教学过程中的一些想法和做法。  关键词:融洽关系 营造环境 创设情境    《小学英语课程标》准明确指出:要培养学生听、说、读、写及综合