【摘 要】
Introduction Otto Von Bismarck(1815.1-1898)became 19th-century Europe’s greatest statesman(alongside Napoleon)through the sheer force of his personality,assist
Introduction Otto Von Bismarck(1815.1-1898)became 19th-century Europe’s greatest statesman(alongside Napoleon)through the sheer force of his personality,assisted by his outstanding intelligence,gargantuan capacity for work and his quasi-symbiotic relationship with King William I of Prussia.His diplomacy of Realpolitik and powerful rule gained him the nickname the“Iron chancellor”.In the 19th century,Bismarck was appointed prime minister of Prussia and led the victory of war through reunification of Germany.He used balance-of-power diplomacy to keep Europe peaceful in the 1870s and 1880s.
Introduction Otto Von Bismarck (1815.1-1898) became the 19th-century Europe’s greatest statesman (alongside Napoleon) through the sheer force of his personality, assisted by his outstanding intelligence, gargantuan capacity for work and his quasi-symbiotic relationship with King William I of Prussia .His diplomacy of Realpolitik and powerful rule gained him the nickname the “Iron chancellor ”. In the 19th century, Bismarck was appointed prime minister of Prussia and led the victory of war through reunification of Germany. He used balance-of-power diplomacy to keep Europe peaceful in the 1870s and 1880s.
This essay is to analyze and study human’s encroachment and despisement on nature from the perspective of ecocriticism.Ishmael,as the implied narrator,witnesse
众所周知,对于英语教育工作者来说,在英语教学中单词教学是最基本也是最重要的教学环节,同时也是困扰学生学习英语的一大难题。一种能够让学生轻松、高效地学习记忆英语单词的科学方法迫切地被需要。如何很好地解决这个问题,使英语教与学的效率从根本上得到提高,是教育改革中面临的一个突出问题。而敏特英语在我校的使用却极大地缓解了这一问题。 一、敏特英语智能化教学的特点 1.开放性。基于计算机网络的英语多媒体教
一、教材分析1.本课是人教版《新起点英语》一年级上册第五单元第1课,是《What color is it?》单元的第一课时,以单词为主的新授课。2.根据《英语课程标准》的要求,一年级学
今年1月7日,美国密苏里中央大学数学家库珀通过一个名为“互联网梅森素数大搜索(GIMPS)”的项目,找到了目前已知的最大完美数2^74207280 (2^74207281-1),即2的74207281次方-1
【摘要】英国在国际语言教育改革上始终走在世界的前列,本文主要对英国中小学校语言课堂教学,尤其是中学语言教学进行实地观察和调查分析,结合在英国从事一年语言教学的工作经验,试图从实践的角度提炼可能适合中国的教学经验,主要从课堂教学的内容、方法、手段、评价等维度思考,具体从学制区别、多语言模式、教学内容的选择与创造等方面展开,进而结合中国实际情况,提出语言改革的一些建议。 【关键词】英国 语言教育 中
“Well begun is half done.”在英语教学设计中,导入环节的设计举足轻重。导入至少包含两层含意:一是思维方面的导入;二是知识方面的导入。导入的成效取决于导得“巧”、导得“活”和导得“实”。 课堂导入因人因时因地不同,方法多种多样,不拘一格,要根据实际情况灵活运用。 一、笑话及故事导入法 相對于枯燥无味的单词罗列,学生应该更喜欢一段有趣的笑话,或是一则引人入胜的故事。一个英
Military surgeons are a special group of doctors. They are both medical workers and soldiers.Their mission is to serve the wounded on the battlefield.And there