【摘 要】
With the high speed development of modern information technology and the popularity of smart phones among college students, internet plus smart phones have beco
【机 构】
Mingde College of Guizhou University,
With the high speed development of modern information technology and the popularity of smart phones among college students, internet plus smart phones have become the main means of communication between youngsters.Those simple and handy features make them easily rank top one of today’s college students’ standard necessities.Internet plus smart phones have occupied most of college students’ time confetti; In light of the popularity, we can’t deny the fact that this trend also provides a new option for the college English curriculum design reformation.This article will discuss how to reform the college English course in the current internet and smart phones environment, and strength the application of language curriculum design as the preliminary program.
With the high speed development of modern information technology and the popularity of smart phones among college students, internet plus smart phones have become the main means of communication between youngsters.Those simple and handy features make them easily rank top one of today’s college students’ standard necessities.Internet plus smart phones have most most college students’ time confetti; In light of the popularity, we can not deny the fact that this trend also provides a new option for the college English curriculum design reformation. This article will discuss how how to reform the college English course in the current internet and smart phones environment, and strength the application of language curriculum design as the preliminary program.
【摘要】写作是对学生综合的素质的考查,高中英语写作教学过程是学生英语综合素质提升的过程。文章从“图示理论”为着眼点,从对其内涵与意义的阐述,到对“图示理论”与英语写作教学关系的解说,再到对“图式理论”下高中英语写作教学模式的探讨,力求寻找高中英语写作教学的新突破。 【关键词】高中英语 写作教学 图式理论 突破 英语写作作为语言输出的主要形式,在高中英语教学中逐渐引起师生们的高度重视。据近几年的
Consider that to be a good learner is related to many factors, language learning strategies will be mainly discussed in this paper.Next, according to previous d
【摘要】近年来,随着社会进步和经济文明的发展,人们的教育方式也不断发生着改变,传统教学以知识灌输为主,进行新课程改革以后,学讲计划应运而生。学讲计划采用“教师指导,学生自学”的新型教育模式,彻底打破了“满堂灌”的教育弊端,将教师的“教”和学生的“学”完美的结合在一起,符合陶行知先生的“教学做合一”的教学理念。本文结合高中英语教学实践,谈谈如何实现“学讲方式”,从而打造精彩课堂。 【关键词】学讲方
叶澜教授和肖川博士曾以追问的形式描绘了真正充满生命活力的课堂的情景: 当学生茫无头绪时,我能否给他们以启迪? 当学生没有信心时,我能否唤起他们的力量? 我能否从学生的眼中读出愿望? 我能否从学生的回答中听出创造? 我能否使学生觉得我的精神、脉搏与他们一起跳跃?—— 乡村的教学资源有限,那么如何在这种有限的资源下让英语课堂真正地动起来呢?在此,我结合教学体会谈谈个人看法,以抛砖引玉。
There is now more and more international exchange and cooperation between China and other countries.A great deal of attention is paid to teaching and learning E
兴趣是最好的老师。因此,教师要在教学中有意识地培养学生对英语的持久兴趣,激励学生不断处于较佳的学习状态之中,使他们对英语乐学、善学、会学,学而忘我,乐此不疲。 那么如何提高学生学习兴趣,并使之保持呢? 一、把握良机,渲染气氛,引发学生对英语的兴趣和求知欲 小学生有着爱说爱闹的孩子气,他们无所顾忌、敢想敢说、好动,求新求异的愿望强烈。因此,我们必须因势利导,不要为了盲目追求课堂纪律打击他们的好奇
With the guidance of lexical chunks teaching approach, this article is to discuss the application of corpusbased lexical chunks approach in English teaching by