1997年以来,启东市汇龙中学集体和个人获国家级奖励和荣誉62项,获省级奖励和荣誉120项……他们的成功令人惊叹,而他们的研究性学习经验更引起人们的关注。多年来,他们逐渐走出了一条体现自身特色、反映社区特色、尊重学生兴趣、引导学生探究的研究性学习之路。体现自身特色,以“环境教育”为龙头,扎扎实实地建设校本课程,开展研究性学习 “有特色,才有市场”。汇龙中学近几年来把环境教育作为学校素质教育的重要组成部分,作为适应新的高中课程改革的重要切入点,付诸教育教学实践,培养了
Since 1997, Qidong Huilong High School has won 62 awards and honors at the national level and individual levels, and has won 120 awards and honors at the provincial level. Their success has been amazing, and their research learning experience has attracted more attention. . Over the years, they have gradually emerged a research-based learning path that embodies their own characteristics, reflects the characteristics of the community, respects students’ interests, and guides students’ exploration. Embodying its own characteristics, taking “environmental education” as a leader, building a school-based curriculum in a down-to-earth manner and carrying out research-based learning “There are characteristics and only a market”. Huilong High School has used environmental education as an important part of quality education in schools in recent years, as an important starting point for adapting to new high school curriculum reforms, putting them into practice and training.