吉奥乔·阿甘本GIORGIO AGAMBEN生于1942年,目前任教于威尼斯Iuav大学、巴黎国际哲学研究院、瑞士萨斯费欧洲研究院。他在《牲人》、《例外状态》等著作中延续并推进了福柯、阿伦特在现代政治哲学上的探索,就“生命政治”和“人权”概念提出了自己独到的见解,获得学界广泛关注。因为阿甘本的著作中涉及神学和古希腊经典的部分较多,不熟悉西方文化背景的
Giorgio Agamben GIORGIO AGAMBEN was born in 1942 and currently teaches at the Iuav University in Venice, the Paris Institute of Philosophy, and the European Institute of Saas Fee in Switzerland. He continued and promoted Foucault and Arendt’s explorations in modern political philosophy in such works as “sacrificing human beings” and “state of exception”. He put forward his unique ideas on the concepts of “life politics” and “human rights” Insights, access to academic attention. Because of Aguangben’s writings involving theology and the ancient Greek classics more, are not familiar with the Western cultural background