罗飞开始写作已半个世纪有余。他是跨新旧两个时代并至今仍笔耕不辍的诗人之一。 罗飞,原名杭行,笔名金尼、萧文等,江苏东台人,1925年4月1日出生。家庭原属小康,因战乱而破产。兄弟姐妹5人,都过早地承受了生活的重轭。童年的他,喜欢从书本汲取智慧,喜欢从文学挹取人生情味,因此爱上苏联文学。他的文字第一次变为铅字,大约是16岁时发表过的一篇抗战题材的小说。40年代中期,与李昊、荒陵等复刊《未央诗刊》。解放前,到上海民众夜校教书。建国后,先后在中共中央华东局宣传部和上海新文艺出版社工作,并有影
Luo Fei started writing more than half a century. He is one of the poets who has crossed both old and new times and still continues to work hard. Luo Fei, formerly Hang Hang, pseudonyms Kinney, Xiao Wen, Jiangsu Dongtai people, born in April 1, 1925. The family belongs to a well-to-do, due to the war and bankruptcy. 5 brothers and sisters, are premature to bear the heavy yoke of life. Childhood, he likes to learn wisdom from the book, like to take life from the literature taste, so fall in love with the Soviet literature. His writing became a typeface for the first time, about an anti-Japanese novel published at the age of 16. The mid 40’s, and Li Hao, Ridge and other re-publication of “Wei Yang Poetry.” Before liberation, Shanghai night school to teach. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he successively worked in Propaganda Department of East China Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Shanghai New Literature and Art Publishing House,