Chai-burning things,hidden behind the kiln burning wabi-sabi aesthetics

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  The traditional Chinese aesthetic of ceramics was dominated by delicate,flawless objects,partly because pottery was fired to meet the needs of the emperor and the royal family,with official kilns as the core. However,in the traditional painting and sculpture art,we can often see the aesthetic values driven by the artistic conception such as "blank space". With the development of The Times,this aesthetic concept has been diluted and instead prevailed in Japan,where perfection is perceived in imperfection,stubbornness is born in obscurity,an obsession with the intangible beauty of harmony,the eternal vision of space and soul,and a reverence for the beauty of nature's imperfections,which is known in Japan as wabi-sabi aesthetics.
  The "beauty of nature" or the "beauty of imperfection" that we are now pursuing is the best representation of this natural beauty brought about by the "wood-burning" in pottery,and the wood-burning works meet the standards of wabi-sabi aesthetics. Like wabi-sabi aesthetics,chai-bian is a term that is difficult to fully explain,and close observation reveals that the beauty in many of the works produced by chai-bian is extremely subtle,each with its own unique natural beauty. The process of burning wood itself is thus a perfect expression of the aesthetic of wabi-sabi.
  Like wabi-sabi,the aesthetic of wood-burning objects favours simplicity rather than pageantry,extinction rather than prosperity,and the pursuit of natural fulfillment rather than artifice and inaction. But this beauty is idealistic,obscure,indescribable,can move the heart is the United States. The wood-burning objects in the space are private,low-key,quiet and introverted,neither arrogant nor rashly,restrained and humble,but it can not let people ignore its existence. Firewood of incomplete,incomplete,moments of beauty,let us feel the soul of objects in space,this kind of deformity in start can give a person has a sense of frustration and broken,but when we walked into the space will be found,it is real that is the space of life,is not on,not out of reach,but natural,warm,approachable,easy to integrated into the environment,the balance between old and new,delicate and match with the original,highly aesthetic feeling.
  The beauty of wood-burning objects is the beauty of wabi-sabi,and wabi-sabi aesthetics can be simply expressed as a combination of calmness,humility,and sincerity achieved by an elegant mind,the simplest manifestation of which is simplicity. The expression can be long and flowery,but the main idea should be simple and clear. Something that embodies the aesthetics of wabi-sabi is always moving. Beauty is beauty,no need to make it become so-called "more beautiful",but let it through the superposition
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