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胡锦涛同志曾指出,加强社区建设和社区党建,关系到城市的改革和发展,关系到社会的稳定,关系到党的执政基础的巩冈。要进一步把社区党组织建设好,充分发挥党组织在社区工作中的领导核心作用。新形势、新任务需要社区自身建设的转型,更需要创新社区党建的模式和格局。一、创新党建思路,形成构建和谐社区的合力社区党建唯有创新才有机遇,唯有转变思路才有发展出路。因此,构建和谐社区,必须努力创新社区党建工作的思路。一是在工作机制上,变“两张皮”为一体化。克服就党建抓党建的做法,实行“一岗双责”制度,做到党建工作与创建和谐社区工作同频共振,目标同一、工作同向、考核同步,使社区党建融入社区建设之 As pointed out by Comrade Hu Jintao, strengthening community building and party building in the community have a bearing on the reform and development of the cities, on the stability of the society and on the Gong Gang related to the party’s governing foundation. We should further build the community party organizations and give full play to the leading role of party organizations in community work. The new situation and new tasks require the transformation of the community itself, but also need to innovate the pattern and pattern of party building in the community. First, innovative ideas for the party building, the formation of a harmonious community to create a harmonious Community party building only have the opportunity to innovate, only to change the way there is a way out. Therefore, to build a harmonious community, we must strive to innovate the thinking of the party construction in the community. First, the working mechanism, change “two skins ” for the integration. To overcome the party’s practice of grasping the party building, the implementation of “one post with double responsibility” system, so that the work of party building and creating a harmonious community with the same frequency resonance, the same goal, work with the same, assessment of synchronization, the community party building into the community building
目的 探讨育龄期正常乳腺组织在不同月经周期下磁共振体素内不相干运动(IVIM)、扩散张量成像(DTI)及扩散加权成像(DWI)各参数值变化情况.方法 共搜集26名健康女性志愿者,年龄
作为国家最高立法机关制定的法律,《行政许可法》不仅对行政许可行为进行了规范;而且该法所包含的许多新元素必将推动我国今后地方立法的完善。 As the law enacted by the
道格拉斯·麦格雷戈(Douglas M·Mc Gregor,1906-1964)是美国著名的行为科学家,在二十世纪60年代提出了“Y 理论”(强调调动人的主动性和对人的关心与尊重)。“Y 理论”的主
<正> 巡视工作,是我党在新时期新阶段中提出的加强党内监督的一项全新工作,又是各省、自治区、直辖市委的一项经常性、长期性的工作。本文拟就巡视工作的"六要素"谈一点看法,