欧洲四国联合研制的Eurofighter战斗机,由于进度的延迟和成本的一再上涨,特别是除英国外的其他三国一再削减采购量(德国从原250架减至不超过140架;意大利从原165架减至不超过130架,也可能只购买90架;西班牙则从原100架减至82架),致使原定的生产量减少了约200架,从而导致最后的研制费用大大超过原定的目标。仅英国一家需承担的研制费用就要增加一倍以上。 英国是唯一不减少原采购量(250架),并可能再增加采购量的国家,但由于成本不断增加,引起的政治不稳定因素正在不断增长。为缓和这种气氛,英国已提出一个缩减英国型Eu-
Eurofighter fighters jointly developed by the four European countries, due to schedule delays and rising costs, especially the repeated cuts in procurement by the other three countries except Britain (Germany reduced from 250 to not more than 140; Italy reduced from 165 Not more than 130, and perhaps only 90; Spain reduced from 100 to 82), resulting in a reduction of about 200 of the original production volume, resulting in the final development costs exceeding the original target. The cost of research and development to be borne solely by the United Kingdom will more than double. The United Kingdom is the only country that does not reduce its original purchases (250 units) and may increase the volume of purchases again, but the political instability that is caused by rising costs is growing. To ease this atmosphere, Britain has proposed a reduction of the British-type Eu-