近五年来,全国各级工会主动为党和政府分忧,为遇到困难和下岗失业人员解难,努力履行自己的基本职责,依法维护职工的劳动权益,取得了积极的成效。 一是帮扶困难职工群体工作取得积极进展。各级工会积极推动“两个确保”和一个“低保”政策的落实,大力实施送温暖工程,为困难职工群体办了大量实事、好事。据不完全统计从1998年到2002年,各级工会累计筹集送温暖慰问款104亿多元,走访慰问了近50万户次困难企业和2560多万户次困难职工家庭;全国有447个地市工会、大多数县(市、区)工会及18万个基层工会建立了特困职工档案;有80多万名党政和工会领导干部,与近百万户困难职工家庭建立了包户帮困联系。
Over the past five years, the trade unions at all levels in the country have taken the initiative to share the worries of the party and the government, achieved positive results in the face of difficulties and problems of laid-off workers, efforts to fulfill their basic duties and safeguard their labor rights and interests in accordance with the law. First, we made positive progress in helping the workforce in need. The trade unions at all levels have actively promoted the implementation of the “two guarantees” and one “minimum living allowance” policies, vigorously implemented the warmth-delivering projects and did a great deal of practical and good deeds for the groups of needy workers. According to incomplete statistics, from 1998 to 2002, the trade unions at all levels have raised over 10.4 billion yuan of warmth and consolation money, paid visits to nearly 500,000 difficult enterprises and over 25.6 million families of workers with difficulties in their work. There were 447 places in the country Municipal trade unions, most county (city, district) trade unions and 180,000 grassroots unions set up special hardship staff files; there are more than 800,000 leading cadres of party, government and trade unions, and nearly 1 million families of staff and workers with difficulties have been set up contact.