Abstract: Baroque and Rococo are two main artistic styles which are popular from seventeen century to eighteen century. They have important role and impact in western art history. Both of them are noble art. Baroque is originated from Rome and then popular in Italy、France and the other European countries. In eighteen century , the gorgeous 、grandiose Baroque style is replaced by delicate Rococo. This article discusses two artistic forms from different points, which aims to make comparison of Baroque and Rococo and find their same points and differences.
Key words: Baroque; Rococo; art
1 Introduction
The origination of Baroque and Rococo has great impact and guidance to the worldwide field of art. Baroque style is originated in seventeen century while Rococo style is originated in eighteen century. Among western art, Baroque and Rocco have obvious characteristics. Baroque and Rocco are different art style while are related to each other in painting、architecture and other aspects [3]. In that period, these masterpiece and artists enriched the world.
2 The art style of Baroque
“Baroque”is from the word “barroco”, which refered to rough pearl.The Baroque is a kind of art which began around sixteen century in Rome and then spread to most of Europe such as Italy、France. The characteristic of Baroque is evident. What is more, the royal family also regarded the Baroque style as a way of impressing people and showing triumph、power and control[4]. Palaces of Baroque style were built around entrance of courts and other royal places. The period of Baroque had three phrases , the early Baroque、high Baroque and late Baroque. After eighteen century, Baroque is replaced by Rococo whose development is based on Baroque but also has its own characteristics.
3 The art style of Rococo
Rococo style is created in France in 18th. Firstly, it is used to oppose the red-tapery of the art of the aristocracy. It is developed in the early part of the eighteen century and is a reaction against the grandeur and exaggerated way of Baroque. Though its development is based on Baroque, it has its own characteristic. Unlike Baroque, Rocco style displays various characteristics ,for example , oriental designs as well as asymmetric compositions 7]. Rococo style was developed through French artists . Then, Rococo spread developed in Spain and other countries in Europe.
4 Comparison between the Baroque and Rococo
4.1 Comparison of the Baroque and Rococo in the art field of interior decoration The interior decoration of Baroque style has the characteristic of religion and hedonism. It gives people the feeling of magnificence、tedium and shock[2]. It pursues gorgeous and grandeur.
Unlike Baroque, Rocco’ interior decoration has the characteristic of refine and usually uses the color of pink 、pale green to decorate the wall and uses things such as shell. The art of Rococo spreads to other European countries because the art of France had main role at that time.
4.2 Comparison of the Baroque and Rococo in the art field of painting
As to painting, Baroque tends to use bright color. In such painting, the movements of people are lively and everyone’s action is showed clearly in their paintings. The classic representation of Baroque’s painting is Sir Anthony van Dyck and Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn and Peter Paul Rubens [1].
Different from Baroque, Rococo emphasizes the feeling of luxury and aesthetics. Its painting uses pale color and gives the feeling of elegance. The theme of paintings of Rococo are various, such as the luxury life of royal family、beautiful scene and fairy tale and also the life of ordinary people. The main artists of Rococo style are Francois Boucher and Antoine Watteau [1].
4.3 Comparison of the Baroque and Rococo in the field of music
The characteristic of Baroque music is strong musical rhythm and uses polyrhythm and emphasizes the fluctuation 、strength of the music and the change of the pace. It has great impact of development of music[6] . Besides, it inherited other artistic style of its same time. In this period, there were many new creations such as the origination of opera and secularization of religious music.
Rococo music is not as well known as the Baroque music and the later classical music. Rococo music developed from Baroque music both in France and in Germany. It has strong relation with style galante and Empfindsamer Stil. Its characteristic is light 、intimate music with extremely elaborate and refined forms of ornamentation[6]. It has its own characteristic and also has close connection with other music style. What is more, it has great impact to the later music.
4.4 Comparison of the Baroque and Rococo in the art field of architecture
The origination of the architecture of Baroque style is based on the art in the period of Renaissance. Baroque architecture emphasizes bold massing、colonnades、the use of light and shade. It is descried as “a style of architecture originating in Italy in the early seventeen century and variously prevalent in Europe and the new world for a century and a half, featured by free use of classical orders as well as ornament”[5] Baroque churches can be seen in many places such as the Cathedral of Morelia Michoacán in Mexico and so on. The form of architecture of Rococo style is based on Baroque architecture. It does not like a kind of architecture in itself but a kind a decoration. Its artists aimed to the creation of a new and refined decoration effect, which is different from Baroque style [5]. It pursues free pattern and the expression of worldly sentiment. It has great impact on the development of garden and public square.
5 Conclusions
Both Baroque and Rocco are royal art. Through comparison of artistic field, we may discover the connection and different between Baroque and Rococo. Rocco art, to some extent, is a new creation of Baroque which maintains some aspects and refines some parts that does not fit the development of the culture. Baroque pursues magnificence and imagination and visional effect. It emphasizes on sense of space and stereo perception. It pursues movement. It is called “the art of male”[4]. Unlike Baroque, Rococo pursues the beauty of soft and uses more curved shape and pale color. Different from Baroque which is called “the art of male”, Rococo, to some extent, is female art.
[1] 张夫也.外国工艺美术史].北京:高等教育出版,2007.
[2] 周锐,范圣玺,吴端.设计艺术史].北京:高等教育出版社,2008.
[3] 宗白华.美学散步].上海:上海人民出版社,1981.
[4] 陈晓春.多姿多彩的巴洛克文化].北京:中华读书报,2009.
[5] 陈文捷.世界建筑艺术史].长沙:湖南美术出版社,2004.
[6] 蔡玉良.西方音乐文化].北京:人民音乐出版社,1999.
[7] 朱光潜.西方美学史].北京:人民文学出版社,1986.
Key words: Baroque; Rococo; art
1 Introduction
The origination of Baroque and Rococo has great impact and guidance to the worldwide field of art. Baroque style is originated in seventeen century while Rococo style is originated in eighteen century. Among western art, Baroque and Rocco have obvious characteristics. Baroque and Rocco are different art style while are related to each other in painting、architecture and other aspects [3]. In that period, these masterpiece and artists enriched the world.
2 The art style of Baroque
“Baroque”is from the word “barroco”, which refered to rough pearl.The Baroque is a kind of art which began around sixteen century in Rome and then spread to most of Europe such as Italy、France. The characteristic of Baroque is evident. What is more, the royal family also regarded the Baroque style as a way of impressing people and showing triumph、power and control[4]. Palaces of Baroque style were built around entrance of courts and other royal places. The period of Baroque had three phrases , the early Baroque、high Baroque and late Baroque. After eighteen century, Baroque is replaced by Rococo whose development is based on Baroque but also has its own characteristics.
3 The art style of Rococo
Rococo style is created in France in 18th. Firstly, it is used to oppose the red-tapery of the art of the aristocracy. It is developed in the early part of the eighteen century and is a reaction against the grandeur and exaggerated way of Baroque. Though its development is based on Baroque, it has its own characteristic. Unlike Baroque, Rocco style displays various characteristics ,for example , oriental designs as well as asymmetric compositions 7]. Rococo style was developed through French artists . Then, Rococo spread developed in Spain and other countries in Europe.
4 Comparison between the Baroque and Rococo
4.1 Comparison of the Baroque and Rococo in the art field of interior decoration The interior decoration of Baroque style has the characteristic of religion and hedonism. It gives people the feeling of magnificence、tedium and shock[2]. It pursues gorgeous and grandeur.
Unlike Baroque, Rocco’ interior decoration has the characteristic of refine and usually uses the color of pink 、pale green to decorate the wall and uses things such as shell. The art of Rococo spreads to other European countries because the art of France had main role at that time.
4.2 Comparison of the Baroque and Rococo in the art field of painting
As to painting, Baroque tends to use bright color. In such painting, the movements of people are lively and everyone’s action is showed clearly in their paintings. The classic representation of Baroque’s painting is Sir Anthony van Dyck and Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn and Peter Paul Rubens [1].
Different from Baroque, Rococo emphasizes the feeling of luxury and aesthetics. Its painting uses pale color and gives the feeling of elegance. The theme of paintings of Rococo are various, such as the luxury life of royal family、beautiful scene and fairy tale and also the life of ordinary people. The main artists of Rococo style are Francois Boucher and Antoine Watteau [1].
4.3 Comparison of the Baroque and Rococo in the field of music
The characteristic of Baroque music is strong musical rhythm and uses polyrhythm and emphasizes the fluctuation 、strength of the music and the change of the pace. It has great impact of development of music[6] . Besides, it inherited other artistic style of its same time. In this period, there were many new creations such as the origination of opera and secularization of religious music.
Rococo music is not as well known as the Baroque music and the later classical music. Rococo music developed from Baroque music both in France and in Germany. It has strong relation with style galante and Empfindsamer Stil. Its characteristic is light 、intimate music with extremely elaborate and refined forms of ornamentation[6]. It has its own characteristic and also has close connection with other music style. What is more, it has great impact to the later music.
4.4 Comparison of the Baroque and Rococo in the art field of architecture
The origination of the architecture of Baroque style is based on the art in the period of Renaissance. Baroque architecture emphasizes bold massing、colonnades、the use of light and shade. It is descried as “a style of architecture originating in Italy in the early seventeen century and variously prevalent in Europe and the new world for a century and a half, featured by free use of classical orders as well as ornament”[5] Baroque churches can be seen in many places such as the Cathedral of Morelia Michoacán in Mexico and so on. The form of architecture of Rococo style is based on Baroque architecture. It does not like a kind of architecture in itself but a kind a decoration. Its artists aimed to the creation of a new and refined decoration effect, which is different from Baroque style [5]. It pursues free pattern and the expression of worldly sentiment. It has great impact on the development of garden and public square.
5 Conclusions
Both Baroque and Rocco are royal art. Through comparison of artistic field, we may discover the connection and different between Baroque and Rococo. Rocco art, to some extent, is a new creation of Baroque which maintains some aspects and refines some parts that does not fit the development of the culture. Baroque pursues magnificence and imagination and visional effect. It emphasizes on sense of space and stereo perception. It pursues movement. It is called “the art of male”[4]. Unlike Baroque, Rococo pursues the beauty of soft and uses more curved shape and pale color. Different from Baroque which is called “the art of male”, Rococo, to some extent, is female art.
[1] 张夫也.外国工艺美术史].北京:高等教育出版,2007.
[2] 周锐,范圣玺,吴端.设计艺术史].北京:高等教育出版社,2008.
[3] 宗白华.美学散步].上海:上海人民出版社,1981.
[4] 陈晓春.多姿多彩的巴洛克文化].北京:中华读书报,2009.
[5] 陈文捷.世界建筑艺术史].长沙:湖南美术出版社,2004.
[6] 蔡玉良.西方音乐文化].北京:人民音乐出版社,1999.
[7] 朱光潜.西方美学史].北京:人民文学出版社,1986.