缝缝补补 闯荡市场——Intel Prescott处理器

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2003年11月,在单调而又旷日持久的桌面机CPU竞争中,AMD率先摆脱了毫无激情的频率大战的老套路,把一只脚踏进了桌面64位计算的领域(当然,部分原因也是由于AMD在频率和性能大战中难以摆脱Intel Pentium 4强大的压力。详情请参见本刊2003年第22期《AMD和它的64住CPU》一文)。面对AMD 64位CPU强大的人气攻势,Intel只以一味提高Pentium 4的运行频率的简单策略显然是不能抵挡的,而Intel自家的64位CPU此前又并无面向个人电脑的打算。在这样的情势下,Intel祭出了Prescott这个法宝,以期在2004年与AMD的64位CPU一搏! 但这个仍然是32位架构的Pentium 4“变种”是否能担当起狙击手的重任呢,让我们一起来看看…… In November 2003, in the dull and protracted desktop CPU competition, AMD took the lead off the arrogance of the frequency battle of the old routine, put a foot in the desktop 64-bit computing field (of course, partly because Due to AMD in the frequency and performance war is difficult to get rid of the strong pressure on the Intel Pentium 4. For more information, please see the 2003 issue of 22 “AMD and its 64-CPU” article). In the face of the strong popularity of the AMD 64-bit CPU, Intel’s simple strategy of blindly boosting the operating frequency of the Pentium 4 is clearly beyond proof, and Intel’s own 64-bit CPU had no previous plans for a PC. In such a situation, Intel resorted to Prescott this magic weapon, with a view to AMD 64-bit CPU in 2004 a stroke! But this is still the 32-bit architecture of the Pentium 4 “variant” can take the sniper responsibility, Let’s take a look at ...
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