孙中山先生是中国民主革命的先行者,他在从事民主革命的过程中对发展中国社会经济进行了探索,并形成了具体的经济发展设想。这些设想成为第二次世界大战后众多第三世界国家发展本国社会经济的蓝图,并在一定程度上为它们所实践。本文拟对此作些探讨。 关于实行国有经济占主导地位、多种经济成分 并存发展的所有制结构 鉴于近代中国是一个半殖民地半封建的国家,社会经济十分落后,因而,孙中山先生主张多种经济成分并存,包括允许私人资本主义存在,以促进社会生产力向前发展。但是,如果私人资本主义的发展不受任何限制,则会发展成为垄断资本,操纵国民生计,以至出现贫富两极分化的严重后果。因此,孙中山先生认为必须同时限制私人资本主义的发展。1912年他明确指出:要“将国内所有铁路、航业、运河及其他重要事业,一律改为国有”,大资本国有以节制私人资本,“一面图国家富强,一面当防资本家垄断之流弊”(《孙中山全集》第2卷第332、323
Mr. Sun Yat-sen was a forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution. During his democratic revolution, he explored the development of China’s social economy and formed a concrete concept of economic development. These assumptions became the blueprint for the development of the social economy of many third world countries after World War II and to some extent they were practiced by them. This article intends to make some discussion. As for the ownership structure in which the state-owned economy dominates and various economic components coexist, given that modern China is a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country with a very backward social economy, Sun Yat-sen advocates the coexistence of a wide range of economic components, including allowing the existence of private capitalism In order to promote the development of social productivity. However, if there is no limit to the development of private capitalism, it will develop into monopoly capital and manipulate the livelihood of the people so that there will be serious consequences for the polarization between the rich and the poor. Therefore, Mr. Sun Yat-sen thinks it is necessary to limit the development of private capitalism at the same time. In 1912, he made it clear that “it is necessary to” transform all domestic railways, shipping lines, canals and other major undertakings into state-owned ones, “that the state-owned large capital should be used to control private capital and that” the pros and cons of the state should be prevented and the capitalist monopoly should be harmed “ (”Sun Yat-sen Complete Works" Volume 2 332,323