,Comparison of electronic structure between monolayer silicenes on Ag (111)

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√√The electronic structures of monolayer silicenes(4 × 4 and■×■R13.9o) grown on Ag(111) surface are studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy(STS) and density functional theory(DFT) calculations. While both phases have similar electronic structures around the Fermi level, significant differences are observed in the higher energy unoccupied states.The DFT calculations show that the contributions of Si 3pz orbitals to the unoccupied states are different because of their different buckled configurations. √√The electronic structures of monolayer silicenes (4 × 4 and ■ × ■ R13.9o) grown on Ag (111) surfaces are studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. electronic structures around the Fermi level, significant differences are observed in the higher energy unoccupied states. DFT calculations show that the contributions of Si 3pz orbitals to the unoccupied states are different because of their different buckled configurations.
在复习《整式乘法与因式分解》这一章时,老师让我们思考教材第89页“小结与思考”中的第4点,完成两个直角三角形的拼图(图1),并让大家从不同角度计算这个图形的面积.  解决这道题目并不困难,不少同学说小学里就曾求过类似的面积,很快有人说出如下一些方法.  方法1:把梯形看成三个三角形的面积之和得:S梯形=ab ab c2;  方法2:直接计算得:S梯形=(a b)2.  老师没有就此罢休,而是接着问
In the terahertz (THz) regime, the active region for a solid-state detector usually needs to be implemented accurately in the near-field region of an on-chip an
在学习多项式乘多项式时,我们在作业中遇到了两道求值题,在作业评讲课上,全班同学展开了一场方法对决.  老师调查有多少同学运用此法,大多数同学都举手表示支持,除去确实不会的,没有同学表示异议. 我的想法与他们有点不一样,一开始我也是这样做的,但觉得有点烦了,能否用一个特殊数代入,使其直接出现a b c,于是我举手了.  (指导教师:赵 军)
This paper reviews some of the recent progresses in the study of high temperature superconductivity in the interface between a single unit cell FeSe and SrTiO3.