随着化学农药品种和使用数量的不断增加,家蚕农药中毒现象也时有发生。如1983年春蚕期,汉川县城隍公社河岭大队两户养蚕专业户,在收蚁蚕时因发生“敌杀死”农药中毒,使50张蚁蚕全部死亡,造成2万多元的经济损失。 “敌杀死”引起家蚕中毒的症状是:初时拒食,头胸抬起,左右摆动,头胸向尾部弯曲,时而向前爬行,时而向后倒退,口吐胃液,甚至吐出浮丝,个别还有脱肛现象。随着病情的发展,蚕儿逐渐停止爬行,胸部膨大,蚕体扭曲成S形或C形
With the continuous increase of varieties and usage of chemical pesticides, silkworm pesticide poisoning also occurs from time to time. For example, in the Spring Silkworm period of 1983, two sericiculture specialists of the Heling Brigade, Chenghuang Commune, Hanchuan County, killed 50 insects due to the occurrence of “enemy kill” pesticide poisoning when they received the ant nematodes, resulting in an economy of more than 20,000 yuan loss. “Enemy kill” caused by the symptoms of silkworm poisoning are: early antifeedant, head and chest lift, swinging from head to toe tail bending, sometimes crawling forward, sometimes backwards, vomit gastric juice, and even spit out floating silk, individual also A prolapse phenomenon. With the development of the disease, Crawler gradually stop crawling, swollen chest, silkworm twisted into S-shaped or C-shaped