Teaching by Principles: Meaningful Learning

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  (江西師范大学外国语学院,江西 南昌 330000)
  【Abstract】:This paper attempts to conduct a descriptive study of the meaningful learning in the foreign language classroom. The paper has a brief introduction about the definition and theoretical basis of the meaningful learning and then elaborates on how to apply it to the real classroom.
  【Key words】: principles; meaningful learning; classroom application
  I. Introduction
  In the chapter of Teaching By Principles(Brown,2001), H. Douglas Brown mainly elaborated twelve overarching principles of second language learning from which sound practice springs and on which our teaching can be based. Those twelve principles can be categorized into three parts: respectively cognitive principles, affective principles and linguistic principles. The author will elaborate one of sub-category of cognitive principles, that is, the meaningful learning.
  II. Meaningful learning
  2.1 Definition
  The principle of meaningful learning is quite simply stated: meaningful learning will lead toward better long-term retention than rote learning.
  2.2 Theoretical basis
  David Ausubel held that learning takes place through a meaningful process of subsuming new information into existing structure and memory systems. It is relatability that results in stronger retention. Contrasted with rote learning taking in discrete and relatively isolated bits and pieces of information that has little or no connection with cognitive structure, meaningful learning will account for the acquisition of new knowledge and long-term retention. In other words, if we consider cognitive structure as a system of building of blocks, then rote learning is the process of acquiring isolated blocks with no particular function in the building of a structure and no relationship to other blocks. Instead, meaningful learning is the process of making new blocks become an integral part of a established clusters of blocks.
  2.3 Classroom implication
  As we all know, children learn language more efficiently and successfully than adults. The reason for this phenomena is that children’s practice and imitation are very meaningful activities that are contextualized and purposeful. Children have a tendency to associate sounds, words, structures, and discourse elements with that which is relevant and important in their daily quest for knowledge and survival. So we always refer to the children’s language learning as informal learning, also called acquisition. In contrast, as for adults, we always learn foreign language in the classroom by excessive rote activities, such as rote drills, pattern practice without concrete context, the explanation and recitation of grammar rules, and other activities that are not in the context of meaningful communication. We always consider such conscious learning process as formal learning. If adults learning a foreign language by rote methods without taking their existing cognitive structure and background information into account are compared with children learning a second language in a natural, meaningful context with their cognitive structure and background information considered, the children’s learning will seem to be superior. The cause of such superiority may not be in the age of the person. Actually, this kind of superiority is always attributed to children learning second language meaningfully, that is to say, children always learn new language knowledge associated with their existing cognitive structures and background information in a context.   By inference, we may conclude that the foreign language classroom has not always been the best example of meaningful learning, but always become the locus of excessive rote activity. So how to make the whole class meaningful becomes a priority in foreign language teaching classroom .
  First, teacher should stimulate and maintain students’ tendency to study meaningfully, which is a prerequisite for the meaningful learning in the class. Teacher should cultivate students’ interest in learning English and motivation to learn English. Only when the students feel motivated all the time to learn English are the students ready to connect the new knowledge with existing cognitive structure and background information.
  Secondly, whenever a new topic or concept is introduced, teacher should try to anchor it into students’ existing knowledge and background so that it gets associated with something they already know. To put it simply, before teaching a new lesson or new material, the teacher should expose students to some introductory materials that make a connection between the new knowledge and their existing knowledge, which is beneficial to their comprehension of new knowledge.
  Lastly, teacher can keep learning meaningful in class by avoiding some deficiencies of rote learning such as too much grammar explanation, too much drilling and memorization. Moreover, teacher had better not use too much abstract principles and theories beyond students’ reach that neither arouse students’ motivation to learn nor do have a connection with the students’ existing knowledge, which is detrimental to the understanding of new knowledge.
  III. Conclusion
  In a word,the author holds that teachers should pay attention to the implication of the meaningful learning. In real classroom, teachers had better make full use of meaningful learning rather than rote learning.
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