目的分析金华市布鲁氏菌病(布病)疫情监测情况,为预防控制布病提供依据。方法各级疾病预防控制中心采用虎红平板凝集试验和试管凝集试验对兽医、饲养员、屠宰员、乳肉加工销售及皮毛加工等重点职业人群进行主动监测,对病例和感染者进行血培养和菌种鉴定,对医疗机构报告的疑似布病病例进行被动监测。结果 2011—2013年血清学监测7 995人次,阳性185人次,阳性率2.31%。阳性者中发现新病例28例,新感染者119人。普查奶牛49 831头,查出阳性84头,阳性率0.17%。结论金华市布病疫情形势严峻,农业部门应加强检疫严防病畜输入,卫生部门应加强布病监测、健康教育和医生培训等工作,以有效控制疫情。
Objective To analyze the epidemic situation of brucellosis (brucellosis) in Jinhua City and provide the basis for prevention and control of brucellosis. Methods Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at all levels used the tiger red plate agglutination test and the test tube agglutination test to actively monitor key occupational groups such as veterinarians, breeders, slaughterers, processing and sales of milk meat and fur processing, blood culture and bacteria Species identification, medical institutions reported cases of suspected brucellosis passive monitoring. Results In 2011-2013, there were 7,995 serological tests, 185 were positive and the positive rate was 2.31%. Positive cases found in 28 cases of new cases, 119 new infections. Census 49,831 cows, found 84 positive, the positive rate of 0.17%. Conclusion The brucellosis epidemic situation in Jinhua City is grave. In the agricultural sector, quarantine should be stepped up to prevent the importation of sick animals. Health departments should strengthen the monitoring of brucellosis, health education and doctor training so as to effectively control the epidemic.