At about 8:30 p.m. on January 2, 1994, an extraordinarily large case occurred at Wuhan Railway Station of Xi’an Railway Branch. The conductor was killed in the ticket office, more than 10,000 yuan tickets were robbed, on-site inspection began at 1.55 a.m. on the 3rd and ended at 5.30 p.m. The dead Tan Yan, female, 25 years old (married), head northwest, southeast foot, sit straight in the middle of the box office, head and shoulders in a pool of blood, feet close to my ticket table on the left side of the ground. The body is 159 centimeters long. Black thick, 14--19 cm long, normal development, good nutrition. The body without struggle, flip, drag and other anomalies. The upper and lower outer neat buckle neat and natural, the watch go when normal .Seven see the head of 12 rupture, neck, chest, abdomen, back, waist, limbs, no abnormal findings.