原发性开角型青光眼(POAG)患者应遵守医生制定的治疗方案进行治疗,定期复查,并坚持目前普遍认同的健康生活方式如拒绝吸烟、适量运动、多吃水果蔬菜等.根据现有的研究结果,POAG患者应尽量避免可能升高眼压的活动如某些瑜伽动作、长时间吹奏管乐器、过量饮用咖啡等,以最大限度降低青光眼进展的风险,保护视神经.“,”Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) patients should comply with medical therapy and follow-up recommendations by doctors provided.Doctors also suggest POAG patients advocating for activities consistent with overall good health such as avoidance of smoking,moderate exercise and a diet high in fruits and vegetables.According to the existing research results,POAG patients should avoid some activities that could elevate intraocular pressure such as certain yoga positions,playing high wind instruments for long periods of time,and drinking large amounts of caffeinated coffee,to reduce the risk of glaucoma progression and protect optic nerve.