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  Abstract : Nowadays, American series are pouring into China. And the majority is inclined to choose enjoy these series with the original sound and the combination of both the original and Chinese subtitle. However, subtitle translation is not in a mature stage and translators may make mistakes in the course, which probably would mislead the viewers. And this paper will discuss about the methods of subtitle translation based on its characteristics.
  Keywords : subtitle translation; translation characteristics; skills for subtitle translation;
  With the trend of globalization and the development of Internet, a plenty of foreign TV series and movies have entered into the Chinese market, among which the American series can be regarded as the most popular ones. And the majority of Chinese viewers are inclined to enjoy them with their original sound and Chinese subtitle. Therefore, the subtitle translation begins to play an increasingly significant role. And this paper aims to analyze the characteristics of subtitle translation and then provide some methods of subtitle translation.
  1. The Characteristics of Subtitle Translation
  1.1 The Coordination with Sounds and Pictures
  Unlike the text translation, the subtitle translation is always appeared at the same time with the sounds and pictures. People can understand a piece of video even without subtitles, so in this perspective of view, the sounds and pictures render the subtitle translation an easier job. However, the subtitle should concur with what the viewers hear and watch, which in fact limits the translation work in some degree, for example, the style should be humorous if the protagonists are laughing.
  1.2 The Limitation of Time and Space
  Generally speaking, the subtitles are always set in at the bottom of the screen and the English subtitles are usually no more than 35 characters while the Chinese ones should be less than 15 characters per row and people can put at the most two rows at one time. This feature makes subtitle translation a little bit different from other translations and translators should adopt some distinct methods to deal with them.
  1.3 The Popularity and Colloquial Style of Subtitle Translation
  Since the objects of American series are common people and the purpose is to relax viewers, the languages used turn out to be popular and colloquial and the translations ought to be easy and understandable, even some technical terms should be interpreted in a casual way.   1.4 The Immediacy of Subtitle Translation
  In order to cater to the need of audiences, the related web sites will upload the updated video simultaneously with American web sites. And to improve their web hits, they have to translate English subtitles into Chinese in just few hours, with a less accuracy.
  2. The Methods Used in Subtitle Translation
  2.1 Domestication and Foreignization
  According to a German translator Hans
  Vermeer, translation should be text oriented and it is not a simply process which involves one language converts into another, but a cross-cultural communicative act. So translators should give priority to the understandability to the target viewers. While as a translation skill, domestication refers to the target-culture-oriented translation in which eccentric expressions to the target culture will be exploited and turned into the familiar ones as to make the translation easy and intelligible for target readers. Thus domestication should be made full use of then people are doing subtitle translation.
  E.g.1. Rachel: Can you believe what a jerk Ross was being?
  Monica: Yeah, I know. He can get too competitive.
  Phoebe: Ha, ha-ha.
  Monica: What?
  Phoebe: Oh, hello, kettle? This is Monica, you are black!
  菲比:你们可是半斤八两。 (Friends)
  In the above example, the translator put the last sentence into “半斤八两”, which is incongruity with its original form and words. In English culture, this is an idiom goes like this: "It's like the pot calling the kettle black." It means that all the pots and kettles will eventually turn into black, implying both Monica is as competitive as Ross in the context. However, Chinese audiences rarely know this cultural connotation and the “半斤八两” is equivalent with that idiom in its meaning. So translator adopts domestication--use a familiar Chinese idiom to achieve the understandability.
  However, sometimes the main audiences of American series aim to learn about English cultural and the language itself through watching, so the foreignization strategy would be preferred in the subtitle translation to achieve the goal of exchanging cultural ideas and the introduction of new expressions.
  E.g.2. Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here.
  绯闻女孩:嘿,上东区的人们,绯闻女孩在此。 (Gossip Girl)
  This is the opening subtitle of Gossip girl, which is familiar to almost everyone. Here, the "upper east siders" is literally translated into “上东区的人们” instead of “富贵闲人” and this translation is also a typical representation of foreignization. With the development of globalization, Chinese is getting to know more about America and they understand what "upper east siders" means, so using foreignization here makes the translation more naturally.   2.2 Addition and Omission
  Addition means to add what is implied or what needs to be explained but not explicitly expressed in the original texts. While omission in subtitle translation is to omit the words or phrases which are not acceptable for Chinese audiences, especially those expressions associated with politics and sex. In order to make the video intelligible and agree with Chinese conception and ideology, addition and omission are often applied in subtitle translation to serve as an explanation and an adaptation to Chinese viewers.
  E.g.3. This is a matter for the police or the magic 8-ball.
  這就是警察的事了,或者找幸运八球(占卜术)。 (Lie to me)
  "magic 8-ball" is a popular game used to foretell one's future, which is unknown to Chinese viewers. So in this sentence's translation, translator add a “占卜术” at the end of it to explain that magic 8-ball is actually represents a kind of divination. If the translator does not put an addition, this sentence will make nonsense to Chinese viewers.
  E.g.4. How does a miserable date end in sex?
  为什么糟糕的约会能如此收场? (The big bang theory)
  In example 3, "sex" should be translated into “性关系” if the literal translation is adopted. However, in a relatively conservative country like China, sex, as a private issue should not be discussed in public. Since the corresponded picture has clearly shown people what the end is, the translator just omits the "sex" and uses a very opaque word "如此". Besides, when dealing with words like "damn it""fucking""bitch", translators usually omit these words directly for the meaning remains the same without those uncivilized words.
  2.3 The Use of Short Sentence
  As what has been mentioned in the characteristics of subtitle translation, time and space are the major factors we should consider in the process or translation. In order to express clearly and completely within the limitation, translators have to make short sentences, so an integrated sentences should not be cut into two pages considering that it may confuse the viewers. The use of short sentence requires translators to translate a series of post-modifiers separately and makes the subordinate clauses into short sentences.
  E.g.6. Sheldon: In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration.
  In this sentence's translation, although there is only one sentence in English, the Chinese version is divided into two short sentences. For if the subtitle translations are not separated into two sentences, but appear as one long sentence at the bottom of the screen, the viewers must be confused by reading the long subtitles while watching the videos.   2.4 The Use of Novel Expressions
  People can always trace the shadow of
  modernity both in American series and their subtitle translations, for they often mention something in fashion or use some prevailing expressions to do the translation thus to amuse the viewers. So the use of novel expressions is also a method to gain the effect of translation.
  In the American series The big bang theory, these is one scene in which Sheldon read the roommate agreement to Penny and Penny is bored and does not want to give any remarks, so she simply says: Blah-blah, blah, blah.
  The translation is very genius and it goes like this: “此處略去23字.” Once Chinese audiences see the subtitle, they will definitely burst into laughing. For “此处略去(数字)字” begins to become popular since the 2012 CCTV Spring Festival Gala and it was first used in a show with a tone of humor, which is exactly suitable here. Besides “此处略去…字”, other fashionable expressions like “浮云”“给力” etc. are frequently used in translating words like" good one!" "nothing", which can be regarded as a highlight in subtitle translation.
  Broadly speaking, American series have
  very distinguished traits that make the subtitle translation a special translation activity. The translators should finish their work on the basis of these unique characteristics and adopt various translation methods according to different situations.
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【摘要】 行政事业审计是审计主体依法对行政事业单位的财政、财务收支及其相关经济业务活动进行审查,以监督、评价其真实性、合法性和效益性,以及有关经济资料的真实性和公允性的独立经济监督活动。作为国家审计的一部分,行政事业审计在维护法律尊严、促进党风廉政建设、为改革开放和宏观调控服务等方面发挥了重要的作用。  【关键词】 行政事业审计 现状 发展  1. 行政事业审计现状  行政审计的重要性不可忽视,《
【摘要】 随着我国市场经济的不断完善,企业的财务管理对于企业发展的意义越来越大,并且传统的简单的以资金核算为基础的财务管理已经不能很好的满足现代企业发展的需要,因此,在社会主义市场经济条件下研究企业财务管理的方法有重要的现实意义。  【关键词】 财务管理 重要 方法  1. 企业财务管理的意义  企业的财务管理是指通过企业的价值形态对企业内部资金运作进行决策、计划和控制的综合性管理过程。企业财务管
【摘要】 物流作为现代经济发展的一个重要组成部分,已经随着经济发展速度的加快,越来越深刻的影响着人们的生产和生活,但是在给人们带来便利的同时,也带来了一系列的环境问题。物流行业的可持续发展需要大力发展绿色物流,而绿色物流的发展则需要对其一定的关注并进行有效管理,本文我们就将解析绿色物流,并结合绿色物流发展的现状,探讨进行现代绿色物流管理的策略。  【关键词】 绿色物流 管理 可持续发展 对策  物
【摘要】 建筑施工企业为了在国内竞争日益激烈的建筑市场中发展壮大,就必须全方位提高管理水平和核心竞争力,其中物资管理水平就是一个非常重要的因素,是企业能否盈利的关键环节。加强建筑施工流通领域的采购与物流管理工作,实现采购与物流管理的标准化、规范化、精细化,最终达到降低成本的目的,这是建筑施工企业物资管理的核心工作。本文主要分析了重庆建工集团公司物资管理的现状及特点,并提出了一些具体的做法和观点。 
【摘要】 总承包单位在中标后对项目工程的现场及造价管理直接关系到此项目的经济效益,本文作者结合自己多年的实际工作经验,对目前总承包单位在建设工程项目中造价管理超预算的原因进行了具体的分析,并就相应的控制措施提出了自己的看法和意见,仅供参考。  【关键词】 建设工程 项目 造价 控制  随着我国经济建设的大力发展,建设工程量也在不断增加,对总承包单位在施工管理及造价管理方面也提出了新的要求。很多中标
【摘要】 众所周知,建设工程质量不仅关乎到人民群众的生命和财产的安全,也关乎到国家的富强和社会的和谐,其重要性可想而知。本文作者试图从德国、法国等国家一些切实可行的建筑质量监督管理的做法着手,介绍了德国、法国这些国家在建筑质量监督管理方面的一些特点,结合国内在建筑质量监督管理方面一些问题和成就,进行有机的阐述,作者还本着“他山之石,可以攻玉”的目的,就是为国内提供一种资讯,一种做法,供同行借鉴。 
【摘要】 随着我国社会主义市场经济的迅猛发展,企业经营社会化程度和现代化水平程度的提高,企业财务管理在企业管理中的地位已逐渐凸显出来。企业财务管理贯穿于企业经营管理的整个过程,是企业经营管理的一个重要组成部分。本文针对企业财务管理的特点及存在问题予以分析。  【关键词】 企业 财务管理 预算管理 思考  在企业管理过程中,财务管理是最直接、最有效的影响企业获得经济效益的管理环节。从国内外经济发展史
【摘要】 搞好市政工程建设的质量工作,不但关乎到人民群众的生命及财产安全,而且还关乎到社会的和谐和稳定。说其是“民心工程”最为恰当。  【关键词】 市政工程建设 质量 重要性  1.充分认识项目质量控制是项目经理的重要职责  在工程项目上,项目经理是企业法人代表在项目上的全权代表,所负责的项目拥有与公司经理相同的责任和权力,所以项目经理不仅要管好人、财、物,要管好工程的协调和工程进度,取得一定的经
【摘要】 在竞争激烈的市场经济下企业力求生存发展,需要一套合理化的管理模式,通过供水企业财务管理模式现存的问题,文章作者对财务管理模式的必要性进行了阐述,提出促使自来水公司财务管理创新的对策。  【关键词】 供水企业 管理模式 管理创新  1. 供水企业财务管理模式现存的问题  1.1经营管理效率低,企业战略目标的实现难以保障。由于受原有体制及核算习惯等历史遗留问题的影响,供水企业多根据供水环节进
【摘要】 随着当前市场竞争的不断加剧,企业资源管理已成为当前各个行业发展和生存的前提与基础。ERP系统是指建立在信息技术基础上,是以先进的科学技术为指导理论结合当前系统化的管理思想来进行系统化管理的过程,是企业及员工在项目运行过程中的有效管理平台。是通过将企业中各个能利用资源全面发挥优势的过程。ERP系统集信息技术与先进管理思想于一身,成为现代企业的运行模式,是当前社会发展中的管理标志,是企业对各