“爱智慧”是一种“追根究底”的哲学探究方式 ,它奠定了西方哲学形而上学的基本框架 ,在西方形而上学发展演进的历程中展开了一条“哲学之路”。这是一条伟大的哲学探索之路 ,却又是一条布满陷阱、充满迷途的运思之道。这种哲学爱智达到顶点 ,必然不满足于只是不停地更换“最终基础”或“最后根据”(“底”) ,一旦哲学的追问出现了把“底”问“破”的情况 ,这就意味着哲学爱智梦想的幻灭。哲学探究方式从“追根究底”到“把底问破”之转折 ,反映了西方思想以此种方式向人所生活的现实世界的转向。这种探究方式的转变标志着那种建造某种“通天塔”的哲学传统的幻灭。
“Love of Wisdom” is a kind of philosophical inquiry method of “pursuing the root and the bottom”, which laid the basic framework of the metaphysics of western philosophy and launched a “philosophical road” in the development and evolution of western metaphysics. This is a great way of philosophical exploration, but it is also a trapped, full of lost thoughts. The culmination of this philosophical aimat is inevitably not satisfied with simply changing “the ultimate foundation” or “the last foundation” (“the bottom”). Once philosophical questioning has resulted in “breaking” the “bottom”, this It means the illusion of philosophical love dream disillusionment. The turning point of philosophical inquiry style from “pursuing the roots” to “asking the bottom questions and breaking through” reflects the shift of Western thought to the real world to which people live in this way. This shift in the way of inquiry marks the disillusionment of the philosophical tradition of building a certain “Babel.”