The Strategies on Implementation of Formative Assessment in College English Pedagogy

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  Abstract:The implementation of formative assessment enriches and extends greatly the existing English teaching assessment methods and fosters learner autonomy. This thesis tries to explore the strategies on implementation of formative assessment in college English pedagogy based on the textbook of New Horizon College English. Implementation of formative assessment is proposed from two perspectives: inside classroom and outside classroom.
  Key words:Strategies; Formative assessment; College English
  1、 Definition of formative assessment
  Formative assessment was put forward with summative assessment by Scriven (1986) and later was introduced into the educational circles. Gipps (1994) defines formative assessment as a process of appraising, judging or evaluating students’ work or performance to shape and improve students’ competence. Hedge (2002) defines it as a process of “keeping track of the learners’ progress as it happens and identifying ways of helping it along” with its focus on the process of learning[1]. Paul Black (1995) holds that five elements are included in formative assessment.
  (1)The identification by teachers and learners of learning goals, intentions or outcomes and criteria for evaluating the achievements.
  (2)Rich conversations between teachers and students that continually build and go deeper.
  (3)The provision of effective, timely feedback to enable students to advance their learning.
  (4)The active involvement of students in their own learning.
  (5)Teachers responding to identified learning needs and strengths by modifying their teaching approaches.
  Formative assessment is of great significance to improve students’ both English achievement and learner autonomy [2].
  2、The Implementation of Formative Assessment in College English Pedagogy
  2.1 Inside classroom
  Intensive reading practice was based on the textbook New Horizon College English, which was made up of two periods per week with one unit task finished within four periods. For each unit the teacher only taught for one period, and eight groups of students were assigned reciprocal teaching tasks to complete the unit. Students and teachers gave assessment on the performance for each team with Intensive Reading Assessment Forms.
  Oral activities were conducted in two periods every other week with one unit task finished within every two periods and teaching materials were not fixed, but collected from various sources. The two periods gave students sufficient chances to practice oral English. After the activities, students and teachers gave assessment to each team with Oral Practice Assessment Forms.   Writing practice was assigned every other week when one unit of intensive reading was fulfilled. Some students’ compositions were checked out by teachers. Then we gave feedback to them and instructed them to assess compositions of their peers.
  Strategy lectures were delivered to students according to their needs three times a semester. Each lecture lasted for two periods concerning almost every aspect of language learning. Lectures focused on the strategy instruction would assist students in handling difficulties in situational learning conditions.
  Tests were given on a regular basis. Students were encouraged to learn from peers through checking others’ works. All the results of tests would be recorded by the teacher for both documentation and reflection.
  2.2 Outside classroom
  Online learning was conducted outside classroom on the website where a rich resource of language materials were listed corresponding with the textbook New Horizon College English. Some online learning activities were administrated and assessed by teachers in the Course Management Zone.
  Portfolios were composed of Study Plans and Learning Logs, both of which were in the form of assignment kept in the Homework Assignments in the online learning space. Study plans were written every other week by filling out the posted form in the editor window on the Internet. As for the Learning Log, it’s in the form of letter and written out every month.
  Interest groups among students were organized at the very beginning of the semester. They covered almost any possible interest. Also groups could cooperate with one another to hold activities together and teachers would like to provide platform for them to demonstrate their abilities by inviting their activities into classroom.
  Tutorial class was held every other week. All the problems would be recorded in the Tutorial Record Sheet and be carefully considered by teachers afterwards as valuable material reference to adjust further pedagogical plans.
  Formative assessment should be conducted by teachers in college English classes in a reasonable and constructive way, so that students can not only benefit from the lecture they learn right now, but also can be more active and autonomous in their future study.
  [1]Hedge T. 2002. Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. Shanghai: Foreign Language Education Press.
【摘要】该文以中国和欧美国家具有代表性的脱口秀为研究对象,主要采用案例分析法,在跨文化视角下,运用霍夫斯泰德的文化维度理论,对中西文化下的脱口秀节目进行对比分析,深入剖析中西文化的异同点。通过进一步分析其中蕴含的文化因素,增进对中西方文化差异的了解,增强文化自信,为跨文化研究提供新思路。  【关键词】跨文化视角;脱口秀;中西文化;文化维度理论;文化自信  【作者简介】张紫玉,白乙彤,杜亚婷,北京邮
【摘要】人类新生儿刚出生时,大脑具备识别所有音位的能力,这种能力是为他们将来学习语言服务的。然而语言学家们很早便注意到一个现象,在出生后大概一年左右,婴儿对自己母语中不存在的某些音位的敏感度逐渐丧失。有两种理论试图解释这一现象。 “维持/丢失”理论认为造成这一现象的原因是婴儿在学习语言时极少接触这些音位,因此辨别能力永久退化。相反,“功能重组”理论将这一现象看作是让婴儿能够更加高效地学习语言的必要
【摘要】随着社会的不断发展和进步,中国作为一个文化强国,拥有十分浓厚的文化底蕴,无数的中国学者创造出了数以万计的文学作品,随着中国的不断强大,中国的文学作品也逐步走向了世界,同时,如果想要中国的文学作品在国外能够得到好的反响并且可以在国外进行传播需要有较好的翻译者对文章进行清晰合理的翻译,由于文学作品具有多样性,并且不同的人阅读同一本作品最终所得到的感受也是不同的, 同时不同的翻译者用不同的方法所
【摘要】It在句法、语用和篇章中都起着重要的作用。在句法里,作为赘代词,it起着虚主语作用;尽管意义虚无,但它是保证句子合法不可或缺的成分。在语用中,it的指代作用可分为话语指示和指称;作为指称的it,或内指,或外指;内指时,可进一步细分为前指和后指。在语篇里,it起着衔接作用,用于指代当前焦点中的话题实体,并随着篇章的发展而继续进行下去;恰当地使用它能使语篇结构紧凑,行文自然。  【关键词】虚主
【摘要】旅游文本的功能在于介绍景点、吸引外国游客并传播文化。然而目前南京夫子庙景区内,介绍碑上的碑文翻译却不尽如人意。本文就该译文的错误之处进行分析,将其划分为理解错误、翻译错误、语言错误和其他错误四大类,并探究错误背后的可能原因,呼吁有关部门重视并完善景区内旅游文本的翻译工作。  【关键词】翻译;旅游文本;错误分析;夫子庙  【作者简介】李亚芬,江苏第二师范学院外国语学院。  一、引言  六朝古
【摘要】本文以美国纽约城市大学皇后学院的教授约翰·提泰尔(John Tytell, 1987)撰写的人物传记《埃兹拉·庞德:孤独的火山》中的前言及第一章翻译实践为例,探讨英译汉中文学人物传记的翻译特征、翻译难点及翻译策略的提出。翻译策略的提出是为了能让译者树立整体翻译观,处理好翻译文本中的重难点,译出较为忠实得体、再现语境的译作,保证人物传记译作的可读性。  【关键词】人物传记翻译;翻译特征;翻译