美国保存的二战日本档案文件曾在20世纪50年代、70年代被解密过一部分,其余部分在2001年、2007年再次被解密公开。2011年11月,“美国解密日本细菌战档案调查研究”课题组成员赴美国国家档案馆和国会图书馆,搜集到大量珍贵有关资料。笔者对美国国家档案馆保存的《阿尔沃.T.汤普森报告书》(Report on Japanese Biological Warfare〔BW〕Activities by Arvo.T.Thompson)进行了初步的梳理和有针对性的研究。《阿尔沃.T.汤普森报告书》是有关日本细菌战和731部队首任部队长石井四郎生平及其对日本细菌战影响的综合性报告。
The United States saved World War II Japan archives in the 1950s and the 1970s when it was partially decrypted and the rest were released in 2001 and again in 2007. In November 2011, members of the Task Force on “Investigating and Investigating the Bacterial Warfare Case Study of the United States” went to the National Archives and Library of Congress of the United States to collect a large amount of valuable and relevant information. The author conducted a preliminary review and targeted research on the Report on Japanese Biological Warfare (BW) Activities by Arvo.T.Thompson, which was kept by the National Archives of the United States. The Althown T. Thompson Report is a comprehensive report on the life span of Japan’s Bacteriological War and the first captain of the 731 unit, Shiro Shiro, and its impact on the Japanese bacteriological warfare.