日前,听到两位同志就电影“一句评”展开激烈争论,虽都有偏颇,但亦有可参考之处,特将主要观点摘录如下,以飨作者、读者。 甲:目前不少报刊、杂志都开展了影片“一句评”活动,《电影评介》尤甚,还开辟专栏,经常刊登,我认为此举弊端不少。首先是“一句评”往往只有一句话,作者仅有论点而没有论据,论证不能充分展开,因此不能令人信服。其次评论者不能纵观全片,高屋建瓴,多抓住影片的枝节问题,造成以偏概全,把读者的注意力引向歧路。第三,有的作者态度又不够严肃,或对影片片名,或对个别人物,个别对话,行讽刺、挖苦,或旁敲侧击、影射等等,结果适得其反。总之,“一句评”由于篇幅限制,无益于促进电影评论水平的进一步提高。
Recently, I heard two comrades engaged in heated debates over the movie “One Comment”. Although they are both biased, they can be consulted. In particular, the main point of view is excerpted below, with the author and reader. A: At present, many newspapers and magazines carry out the film “One Comment”. The “Film Review and Commentary” is especially helpful. It has also opened up special columns and published frequently. I think this is not a problem. The first is “a comment” is often only one sentence, the author only arguments and no arguments, arguments can not be fully developed, so not convincing. Second, reviewers can not look at the whole film, build high places, and more to seize the film’s stub issues, resulting in a more general, the reader’s attention to the wrong path. Thirdly, some writers are not serious about their attitude, or they are counterproductive in the name of the film, individual dialogues, satire, sarcasm, or scrutinizing, filming and so on. In short, “a comment” due to space limitations, is not conducive to further improve the level of movie reviews.