重庆市渝北区悦来乡位于嘉陵江上游北岸,近年来,整个山乡吹拂着基层民主建设的暖风。悦来乡党委和政府把依法治乡作为农村各项工作的突破口,取得了多项值得骄傲的成绩,1999年被评为重庆市村民自治示范乡。 1997年以前,悦来乡还是个贫穷落后的乡镇,乡干部“脚板都跑烂,怨声还不断”,全乡政令不通,扯皮事不断。无论大事小事基层干部基本上没有指挥调动能力,村民上访一起接一起。针对这个
Yuyue District, Chongqing Yueliang Township is located in the upper reaches of the Jialing River on the north shore. In recent years, the entire rural area has blown the warmth of grassroots democracy. Yuelai Township party committees and governments have made governing the countryside a breakthrough in various rural work and have won many prideful achievements. In 1999, they were awarded the title of “Model Villagers’ Autonomy in Chongqing”. Before 1997, Yuelai Township was still a poor and backward township. The township cadres, who “run their feet all their feet and complain constantly.” Regardless of the trivial matter grassroots cadres basically do not have the ability to command and mobilize, the villagers appealed to join together. For this