Kingsman:The Golden Circle:Mankind Is the Virus,and I Am the Cure

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1.If you're prepared to adapt and learn, you can transform.
2.The suit is the modern gentleman's armour.
3.Mankind is the virus③, and I am the cure.
4.Humankind is the only virus cursed to live with the horrifying knowledge of its host's fragile④ mortality⑤.
5.Nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility is being superior to your former self.
6.A gentleman's name should appear in the newspaper only three times: when he’s born, when he marries and when he dies. And we are, first and foremost, gentleman.
7.When I was a kid, that was my dream job. A gentleman spy.
8.I always felt the old Bond films were only as good as the villain⑥. As a child, I rather fancied a futuristic⑦colorful megalomaniac⑧.
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