扎克·兰多夫,一个状态绝对热得发烫的家伙,如今这个事实在全联盟也早就不是什么遮遮掩掩的秘密了。从现在开始,如果不会发生什么乱七八糟“意外”的话,兰多夫在本赛季“爆发式”的进步将再次验证NBA“三年树人”的诡异魔力。而且照这个迅猛无比的势头走下去,我们实在没有任何理由把本赛季“进步最快球员”的殊荣胆敢颁发给别人,事实上,扎克可能是自2000-01赛季的麦迪以来,进步幅度最令人瞠目结舌的球员——看看扎克在菜鸟赛季时的“拙劣”表现吧,当时他出场41次,场均也仅有2.8分、1.7个篮板和0.3次助攻,恐怕是连“姿色”平平的水准都达不到的;即使是在第二年开始崭露头角时,8.4分、4.5个篮板和0.5次助攻也只能是勉强说得过去。但当我们今天猛一抬头看到这份场均22.2分、11.3个篮板和2.4次助攻的亮丽成绩单时,你能确信这些都是同一个人所为的吗? 曾有人把扎克称作是“布兰德第二”,对不起,这种称呼简直是侮辱了我们的智慧,也小瞧了兰多夫的巨大潜力。
Zach Randolph, a guy whose status is absolutely hot, is a secret that has long been hidden in the league. From now on, Randolph’s “explosive” advances this season will once again prove the weird magic of the NBA “Three-Tree Man” without a mess of “surprises.” And according to this tremendous momentum to go down, we really have no reason to be the season’s “fastest player” dare awarded to others, in fact, Zach may have since the 2000-01 season, McGrady, the strongest progress Stunned players - look at Zach in the rookie season, “clumsy” performance, when he played 41 times, averaging only 2.8 points, 1.7 rebounds and 0.3 assists, I am afraid that even the “beauty” Unable to reach an average level; 8.4 points, 4.5 rebounds and 0.5 assists can barely justify even the second year when they emerge. But can we be sure that these are all the same people did when we looked up today to see a brilliant report card of 22.2 points, 11.3 rebounds and 2.4 assists? “Bland second”, I am sorry, this name is simply an insult to our wisdom, but also underestimated Randolph’s great potential.