The Application Of Facial Makeup In Modern Design

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  (齐鲁工业大学,山东 济南 250353)
  【Abstract】:Extensive and profound Chinese culture,the Chinese traditional element is the wealth of the Oriental culture,Is also an indispensable element in modern design. The appeal of Chinese traditional elements have begun to slowly influence to every corner of the world. many people will be attracted by the glamour of them. In many splendid traditional culture,China's Facial Makeup is very outstanding, Have relatively independent appreciation value and aesthetic meaning, Has been widely applied to modern graphic design.
  【The keyword】: The traditional elements Facial Makeup Modern design
  Facial makeup (As shown in figure 1), as a means of gradually developed into an independent art. Become the identification of china’s traditional culture, and have a strong Chinese culture has a far-reaching influence on every design field as a special design elements and artistic language. Has a broad application and reflection in modern product design.
  FIG. 1:Facial Makeup
  Nowadays, the facial makeup, not content with being the object of study of traditional culture, walked down the high stage, integrating into our life. It get more widely spread in the combination of modern design. Facial makeup has been used more and more in our daily life.
  For example, the combination of facial makeup and jeans, after the 1970s, the jeans coming into China market with the reform and opening. With the combination of Facial Makeup, what will be crashed(As shown in figure 2)?
  FIG. 2:the combination of Facial Makeup and jeans
  Clothing is no longer a simple function of cover from the cold,But the carrier of people pursuit of fashion, express individuality. As shown in figure 2, Facial Makeup has rich pattern and hyperbole coloring, delicate drawing,has the distinct ideological content and artistic quality. The intense collision of modern simple and traditional classical, the perfect combination of jeans and Facial Makeup, has a special flavor, unprecedented. To satisfy the modern people Especially young people do STH unconventional or unorthodox heart,there is a big market and gradually formed a brand. In addition to the jeans, there are many other examples, Such as Facial Makeup and shirt,Facial Makeup and sweatpants,and so on.
  Rapid passage of the current in the traditional culture,it is the responsibility of the traditional culture to the application as a designer,and carry forward, to form the Chinese characteristic of Chinese wind. Put the Facial Makeup culture and spirit into the product, meet the demand of people emotion.
  Since the reform and opening,We are enjoying convenient at the same time, are also facing the impact of foreign culture,How can we Take the essence to the dregs in such a competitive international environment? Inherit and carry forward the Chinese traditional culture, updated and create Constantly,make it more conform to the contemporary requirements, is a good way
(西北民族大学,甘肃 兰州 730000)  【摘要】: 随着世界经济的发展和人们对自我认识的增强,休闲近年来逐渐成为热门话题。休闲活动的方式和种类也日渐多样化,休闲功能建筑的类型和式样也日趋复杂多样化,在这多元的影响下人们对休闲的要求也有所提高,论文针对城市休闲建筑的发展,总结出休闲建筑的特点,通过特征和原则提出休闲功能建筑的设计策略。  【关键词】:休闲功能建筑;空间;布局;环境  休闲是指人
(山西大学文学院,山西 太原 030400)  电影诞生于1895年12月28日,只有将近一百多年的历史。而话剧要比电影早得多。电影作为“第七艺术”,是诗歌,舞蹈,戏剧,音乐,美术,建筑等诸多艺术门类的后起之秀。在梅里爱时期,梅里爱仅仅用摄像机单纯地记录`戏剧,没有蒙太奇的剪辑意识。而如今,随着科学技术的进步以及镜头语言的不断完善。戏剧导演逐步打开了电影的大门,探索电影和戏剧之间的点滴关系,想要依
(扬州大学美术与设计学院,江苏 扬州 225000)  【摘要】:随着我们社会的发展,从而显现出了人们生活水平的不断提高。除了满足绿植与鲜花的观赏性与美观性之外,居住区的地面铺装设计也满足了舒适性与实用性上的需求,也是“以人为本”而设计的一种交通流线与划分区域的一种要素,是提供居民活动场所与休憩的地方,把居住环境呈现出了多样化历程。因此本篇文章主要分析面铺装设计与它的设计要素,并找出它们的不足之处
(扬州大学美术与设计学院,江苏 扬州 225000)  【摘要】:摘要:标志是现代经济的产物,它不同与古代的印记,现代标志承载着企业的无形资产,是企业综合信息传递的媒介。标志在企业形象传递过程中,是应用最广泛、出现频率最高,同时也是最关键的元素。标志的魅力不仅仅在于图形符号本身,更在于它背后所蕴含的企业的文化、精神和情感。通过对动物图形标志的研究与探索,介绍了动物图形在餐饮行业标志的意蕴与表达,探
(重庆师范大学,重庆 401331)  【摘要】:德彪西在创作音乐的过程中,新奇的音色和音响效果是他一直在努力追求的,和声的进行、声音的变化与组合以及音色的朦胧玄幻是他创作的特点。德彪西的和声是他音乐艺术中最独特的一部分。本文主要对其中平行和弦的进行展开论述,阐述德彪西运用平行和弦的意义。  【关键词】:德彪西;平行和弦;意义;  一.作品中的平行和弦  所谓平行和弦,就是相邻的若干个和弦在各声部
(齐鲁工业大学,山东 济南 250353)  【摘要】:产品色彩设计出了探寻美感之外,还要考虑把比如色彩三位形态、工程技术、色彩心里、材料工艺、等诸多因素。我们为了科学地、艺术地在产品设计实践中运用色彩,就要对色彩设计进行较为深入的了解学习。通过介绍色彩与产品设计以及色彩设计之间的关系,来研究产品的色彩性格。  【关键词】:色彩;产品设计;语义;情感;营销  1、色彩设计  工业设计师伴随着机械化
(淮南師范学院,安徽 淮南 232000)  【摘要】:自历史有人类以来,人们就生活在一草一木中,人们对植物的强烈情感是任何动物不可比拟的。在工业化的到来后,人们生活中往往忽略了绿化对我们生活的至关作用。环境的污染,气体的排放而导致大气的破坏,又重新让“绿色”回到了人们是视线,平静,自然的绿意在荡然无存后又开始让人们对它捡起进行重新研究,因此改善绿化是改善我们生活环境结构的一种必要手段。  【关键
(敦煌艺术旅游中等专业学校,甘肃 敦煌 736200)  【摘要】:古丝绸之路带给新疆独有的地理文化风貌,地域性的文化背景,别具一格的区域审美习惯,滋养着这片有着深厚文化积淀的新疆。在新疆有着各种各样的民间民俗艺术,地处南疆叶尔羌河流域的麦盖提县农民画,因其具有强烈的装饰效果,充分体现着维吾尔族民间群众的精神面貌而独树一帜。  【关键词】:新疆麦盖提农民画;装饰性;色彩设计;表现  一.新疆麦盖提
(贵州民族大学,贵州 贵阳 550025)  【摘要】:剪纸艺术是中华民族传承数千年的优秀传统民间艺术之一,其与民俗生活有着密切联系,是我国人民智慧的结晶体现。山西广灵剪纸更是以特殊的刀刻方式、靓丽的色彩和独有的民俗文化,不同于其他地方剪纸。剪纸艺术的发生发展与人类的生产、生活有十分密切而广泛的联系,它是我国民俗文化生活的表现形式之一。其特殊的刀刻手法、鲜艳的色彩和独特的艺术表现是山西广灵剪纸最突
(贵州民族大学,贵州 贵阳 330025)  【摘要】:大南山是一个传统民族文化丰富的地方,在大南山里每个苗族人民都会身穿自己民族的特色服饰,他们的服饰可以说是物质、精神的财富和产物,其工艺之精美、文化内容之丰富深深吸引着广大学者,人民将这些民族服饰亲切地称之为:‘穿在身上的百科全书’。因为大南山人民的智慧与对自然的憧憬之情让大南山苗族人民在设计服饰的时候,既做到了传统服饰的实用性也融合了苗族人民