近年来全球结核病形势急剧恶化,而宿主对结核杆菌的易感性存在异质性,因此基因位点的多态性对结核病易感性起着重要作用.维生素D受体(vitamin D receptor,VDR)基因已被证实为结核病遗传易感性的主要候选基因之一,其主要的四个位点分别为Foki、Bsmi、Apai和Taqi,但各位点多态性影响结核病发生发展的具体机制尚未完全被阐明.VDR基因多态性与结核病易感性的相关研究存在较大争议,其原因主要是环境与基因交互作用、种族差异性等.该文对VDR基因多态性及其对宿主感染结核的影响进行综述.“,”In recent years,the global situation of tuberculosis disease has deteriorated sharply,and the susceptibility of host to mycobacterium tuberculosis is heterogeneous.Therefore,polymorphism of gene loci plays an important role in the susceptibility to tuberculosis.Vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene has been confirmed as one of the major candidate genes for genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis.The four well-studied major sites are Foki,Bsmi,Apai and Taqi.However,the specific mechanism by which polymorphism affects the occurrence and development of tuberculosis has not been fully elucidated.There is considerable controversy about the relationship between VDR gene polymorphism and tuberculosis susceptibility,mainly due to the interaction between environment and genes,racial differences,etc.This article reviews the polymorphism of VDR gene and its effect on host infected tuberculosis.