中国是一个地少人多的国家,要发展农业以满足人口日益增加的需要,必须继续增加化肥的投入,未来农业发展依旧需要化肥作为强而有力的后盾。中国现有人口13亿人,粮食生产需要达到4.55亿吨以上。粮食单产提高要超过人口增长速率,才能保证粮食需求。按照现在人口年增长1.45%的速度,每年单产提高速度要保持2.5%才能维持粮食需求。按中国人口发展最高峰16亿人口计算,中国粮食需求在6 亿吨以上,因此,化肥需求还要增长。建国50多年来,有机肥的施用量
China is a country with many lands and fewer people. To develop agriculture to meet the increasing needs of the population, we must continue to increase the input of chemical fertilizers. In the future, the development of agriculture will still require fertilizer as a strong backing. China has a population of 1.3 billion people, and grain production needs to reach more than 455 million tons. The increase in grain yield must exceed the population growth rate to ensure food demand. According to the current population growth rate of 1.45% per year, the annual rate of increase in yield per unit of production must maintain 2.5% in order to maintain food demand. According to the population of 1.6 billion people, the highest population in China, the demand for food in China is more than 600 million tons. Therefore, the demand for fertilizers will increase. Over 50 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the application amount of organic fertilizer