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“实践是法律的母亲,是我们制定和修改法律的基础。在实践基础上制定的法律,才更有针对性和可操作性,才具有强大生命力。”吴邦国委员长在十届全国人大第十一次常委会会议上的这段讲话,从辩证唯物主义认识论的高度,形象地阐述了法律的渊源和生命之所在,体现了党的思想路线,对指导我们开展立法工作具有重要意义。法律是一门应用性很强的科学,属于上层建筑的范畴。它源于实践,用于实践,始终以社会客观存在为根据。中国所进行的改革开放和社会主义现代化的实践,是我们立法的基础。立法一定要以我国改革开放和现代化建设的实际问题为立足点,一定要坚持从我国国情出发,一定要总结自己的实践经验,一定要遵循社会发展规律。借鉴人类法治的文明成果是必要的,也是必须的,但决不能抄袭西方的法律,“言必称希腊”。中国特色社会主义法律体系,是中国改革开放和社会主义现代化实践经验的总结,是在邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想指导下建立的,体现了我国的社会主义性质,体现了人民的意志和要求,体现了我国社会主义初级阶段的基本国情。 “Practice is the mother of the law, which is the basis for our formulation and revision of laws, and the laws enacted on the basis of practice are more pertinent and operable, so that they have great vitality.” “Chairman Wu Bangguo expressed his hope in the 10th NPC This speech at the 11th NPC Standing Committee vividly expounds the origins of law and life from the perspective of dialectical materialism epistemology, embodies the party’s ideological line, and is of great significance in guiding us to carry out the legislative work. Law is a highly applied science, belonging to the category of superstructure. It stems from practice, is used in practice, and is always based on the objective existence of society. The practice of China’s reform and opening up and the socialist modernization are the bases of our legislation. Legislation must take the actual problems of our country’s reform and opening up as well as the modernization drive as the starting point. We must insist on proceeding from our own national conditions and must conclude our own practical experience and must follow the law of social development. It is necessary and necessary to learn from the civilized achievements of human law and rule, but it must never be copied from Western laws. ”Words must be called Greece." The socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics is the conclusion of China’s practice of reform and opening up and the modernization of socialism. It was established under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ which embodies the socialist nature of our country and reflects the people Will and demand, reflecting the basic national conditions of our country’s primary stage of socialism.
来自浙江的高女士和丈夫魏先生,为讨回十多年前的购房款打了三场官司,前两场官司赢了却无法执行。输了第三场官司的高女士,来到上海市检察一分院申诉。结局究竟如何? Ms. Ga
四毛的古道热肠注定他并非袖手旁观之人,再加上他又有 法律专业知识,因此,只要让他碰上涉及法律纠纷的事,不管是 不是熟人,他都会抱着助人为乐的想法,解人以危困之中。 这天,
一、不一致不一致包括主谓不一致、数的不一致、时态不一致及代词不一致等。例:When one have money,he can do what he want to do. 剖析:one是单数第三人称,因而have应为ha
今年6月9日,湖北省枝江市安福寺镇桑树河村农民曾祥华,在田里劳动时,巧遇来村视察的温家宝总理。 当温总理问他有什么困难时,他说,“要是能有专家帮着测测土,看土里缺什么元