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科技成果要达到有效转化,落脚点在于科研院所、大专院校,生产企业,主管部门三方的有机结合,突破点在于尽快建立起确保科技成果转化的运行机制。这是保证科技经济一体化的关键,也是推进科技成果商业化、产业化、国际化的必由之路。通过分析现状,归纳出制约科技成果转化的主要因素为观念、体制、机制;提出了保证成果转化的运行机制的六大要素:领导决策、政策导向、资金扶持、利益驱动、条件保证和市场调控。 The achievement of scientific and technological achievements must be effectively transformed. The ultimate goal lies in the organic combination of scientific research institutes, tertiary institutions, manufacturing enterprises and competent departments. The breakthrough point lies in establishing an operating mechanism to ensure the transformation of scientific and technological achievements as soon as possible. This is the key to ensuring the integration of science and technology and economy and the only way to promote the commercialization, industrialization and internationalization of scientific and technological achievements. By analyzing the status quo, it is concluded that the main factors restricting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements are concepts, systems and mechanisms. Six major elements of operational mechanisms to ensure the transformation of achievements are put forward: leadership decision-making, policy guidance, financial support, interest-driven, condition assurance and market regulation .
近几年来,美国职业安全和卫生研究所(NIOSH)的Wasser man D等人提出一种新的外周血管机能不全试验方法,即同步多指光电式容积描记系统(Simultan-eous multifinger photocell
多渠道零售给希望借助单一系统完成补货、网络订单发货及存货管理的零售商带来了前所未有的挑战。庆幸的是,Musikhaus Thomann成功发现了应对多渠道零售的有效方式。德国小镇
【Abstract】Issac Bashevis Singer is a Jewish writer, whose masterpiece is a collection of short stories. One of his short stories, Neighbors, describes the experiences of two Jewish people. In this pap
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小企业在经济发展中发挥着独特作用 ,但大都寿命不长。本文通过对小企业在永续发展中存在问题的剖析 ,提出建立现代企业制度、建立企业经营理念和企业多造实是小企业永续发展